Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [pron] [adv] [verb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For example , in 1988 Bolivia bought back roughly half of its heavily discounted $670 million debt .
2 She skipped lunch in order to go shopping , spending some of her carefully hoarded wages on a new outfit for the occasion .
3 At the same time he must go on reassuring other parties — some of whom bloody-mindedly reject negotiation — that their views will be heard .
4 On the other hand , when they got the chance , they drank more than was good for them , and they all smoked , either surreptitiously or openly , depending on where they were and the various fashions in tolerance among their parents , some of whom still smoked cannabis to the scorn of their offspring .
5 Some of them also gave tribute to the Yenisei Kirgiz from the Minusinsk Depression .
6 And some of them just hit return .
7 If I turn my back , then some of them immediately start break-dancing round the room !
8 Some of them clearly formed part of the furnishing of principal rooms in Sir Robert Walpole 's house which was supervised by William Kent .
9 Some of them never saw cheese did they ?
10 The DHA would find that some of its carefully planned resources are being diverted to pay for services which may not figure in those plans .
11 According to his calculations such theories would be bound to disagree with quantum mechanics in some of its experimentally verified predictions .
12 Indeed , local government lost some of its recently gained Powers to central agencies soon after the transfer .
13 In recent years , however , analysis based upon a given concept of ideology has been complemented by other projects , some of which also analyse buildings as repressive mechanisms or authoritarian representations ( e.g. Foucault 1977b ) , but whose overarching concepts such as ‘ power ’ or ‘ discourse ’ imply a still greater distance between interests and representations , and thereby a greater commitment to objectivism .
14 Its permanent collection of fine Victorian paintings often sits cheek by jowl with a varied selection of current art and craft practices some of which also provide opportunities for visitors to participate in .
15 Some of us constantly tell stories where we depict ourselves as having the qualities we secretly think we lack or that others need reminding of .
16 Jonathan Scott , Chairman of the Reviewing Committee on the Export of Works of Art has produced another of his elegantly written reports on how successful or otherwise Britain has been at retaining its preeminent works of art : the tally , eighteen out of forty-four retained — that is , a public institution or , in the case of the Delander stick barometer , a private citizen , has matched the price at which the item was being exported .
17 The evaluators observed one course which was devoted to showing teachers from prospective Major Project schools a variety of worksheets , project books and software on which they might choose to spend some of their grant , and another in which nationally known figures ( Royston McHugh from the Inner London Education Authority ( ILEA ) and Ron Mitson from the Abraham Moss Centre ) sought to inspire a good attendance with the philosophy of a more broadly conceived RBL .
18 The two countries in which the movement has taken root are Iraq and Syria , each of which now claims leadership of the movement on the pan-Arab level and dismisses all similar pretensions on the part of the other .
19 With each of them individually playing Herbert Thunder , they act out the first part of the story : Herbert finds a lonely spot for himself , and there he cries himself to sleep .
20 Neither of them ever mentioned Mr Hellyer 's name again .
21 As he walked with his brothers , Angel felt that , however lucky they were to have a university education , neither of them really saw life as it was lived .
22 Neither of them now took notice of Aggie 's returning to the room and seating herself down on the leather couch .
23 Also , neither of you ever injecting drugs .
24 Neither of us really liked Charlie , ’ Pat told me , ‘ but we were upset . ’
25 Their performance , as far as can be judged at this early stage , matches and in some areas surpasses that of their conventionally trained colleagues 300 km away across the Rift Valley .
26 For all the centuries of recorded time it has existed as an art in which style and fashion were set by the taste of an aristocracy ; bourgeois jewellery , peasant jewellery in less precious materials such as we now call costume jewellery , all imitated court fashion …
27 The contrary relation will therefore show up in a sentential context that specifies , or at least implies , that a single event is being referred to , such as I only met Mary once , and that was today/yesterday or ( somewhat less convincingly ) It was today/yesterday that I met Mary .
28 When Ralph Salperton sold the business his father and his grandfather had built up , he had announced his intention of devoting much of his newly won leisure to compiling the family history .
29 Yet if not all of them necessarily regarded Cnut with disfavour on his accession , it is likely that there were quarters in which he had to face considerable initial hostility .
30 All of them endlessly finish spaghetti .
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