Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] that it [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 In spite of high interest rates , price inflation at the factory gate has varied from 4.8-5.2 per cent during the past seven months with little indication that it is set to slip below the range .
2 In elections held in May 1990 the NLD had won an overwhelming victory , but during the following months the ruling military junta ( the State Law and Order Restoration Council — SLORC ) had shown little indication that it was planning a transfer of power to civilian rule .
3 Some management companies , including Murray Johnstone — which recently reduced its initial charge from 5 to 1 p.c. — welcomed the Securities & Investment Board announcement this week that it is to review its rules on unit trusts .
4 Reed International confirmed this week that it was discussing the sale of its indirect 3.66% interest in BSkyB to Peardon , Chargeurs and Granada , the other three principal shareholders .
5 It announced this week that it was adding a top rate of 12.5 p.c. to its new Premier Fix account .
6 She 'd started out meaning to apologise , but there was something so darned aggravating about this man that it was turning into an accusation instead .
7 It was for this reason that it was made clear that the negotiations leading to a settlement might best be described as bargaining hence suggesting a somewhat aggressive method of resolving the matter .
8 It is because grammar has the effect of refining the relatively raw conceptual material of lexis by systematizing it in this way that it is considered as the primary determinant .
9 It was only in late October this year that it was discovered there were discrepancies between the cash the trustees were holding and the cash the managers thought the trustees were holding .
10 It was only in late October this year that it was discovered there were discrepancies between the cash the trustees were holding and the cash the managers thought the trustees were holding .
11 He handed it across to the Colonel who noticed with some satisfaction that it was addressed to him by name and not merely as commanding officer .
12 When the Almoravid general sent a token force of twenty mounted warriors to the gates of the city , their arrival caused such consternation that it was believed that there were actually 500 or more .
13 In the Council Hall the new draft was subjected to such criticism that it was returned to the Commission to be revised into its earlier form .
14 Such provisions do not render the severance of the union politically impossible ; indeed , as a matter of politics , as opposed to law , it can not be maintained against the will of either party that it be dissolved .
15 After several years of shake-outs and restructuring , the home computer market remains substantial — games software sales in Europe last year were worth about £200 million — but there is little sign that it is going to scoop the true potential of the consumer market .
16 More recently , however , Liberal Theology has become a recognised description of the Ritschlian school , and it is in that sense that it is used here . )
17 An argument against such flexibility is that the House of Lords itself , in respect of any case that it is seised of , lacks authority to remit the case to the court below directing it to re-open and re-hear the case .
18 Siemens AG is disputing a politically-sensitive article carried in The Wall Street Journal Europe on February 16 , which claims that , for the first time , a top Siemens manager , Heinrich von Pierer , said he was looking for a strategic partner for ailing Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG ( CI No 2,117 ) : Pierer allegedly stated that he was not interested in a ‘ one-sided partnership ’ , rather in one that involved ‘ real co-operation ’ ; according to Computerwoche , Siemens denied any claim that it was seeking shelter for Siemens Nixdorf under the umbrella of Japanese or US competitors , ‘ like the other three European computer firms ’ ; the Journal 's London office says the paper is sticking by its story .
19 Siemens AG is disputing a politically-sensitive article carried in The Wall Street Journal Europe on February 16 , which claims that , for the first time , a top Siemens manager , Heinrich von Pierer , said he was looking for a strategic partner for ailing Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG : Pierer allegedly stated that he was not interested in a ‘ one-sided partnership ’ , rather in one that involved ‘ real co-operation ’ ; according to Computerwoche , Siemens denied any claim that it was seeking shelter for Siemens Nixdorf under the umbrella of Japanese or US competitors , ‘ like the other three European computer firms ’ ; the Journal 's London office says the paper is sticking by its story .
20 The Socialist League defended itself against any suggestion that it was exceeding its limited aims .
21 As far as you could understand him , this was to the effect that since the Government was rejecting any suggestion that it was to blame for this scandal , since most of the alleged swindlers were difficult to bring to book , and since the investors who lost the money nearly all live in Tory marginals , then the one innocent party — the taxpayer — would foot the £150 million bill .
22 It was because the parties had all analysed the nature of the problem we had to decide in the same way that it was agreed at the outset of the hearing before us that the central question we had to answer was this : in what capacity are High Court judges sitting when they sit as visitors to the Inns of Court in disciplinary cases ?
23 League secretary Mike Foster said : ‘ There 's been a little bit of manoeuvring — but there has never been any doubt that it was going to be signed . ’
24 Can , can I make a suggestion to you on this point and that is that rather than worrying about the date of the document itself which makes sense just to put January or something like that , what you actually keep a careful record of and this can be with the issue and such like , is the date from which that procedure is required to be worked to , which would be the issue date as opposed to any date that it was typed or agreed or anything like that .
25 A copy of the report must also be sent to him at the same time that it is sent to the Secretary of State , and he then has twenty-one days in which to decide whether he will ask for a review board to examine the whole matter in public .
26 The United Kingdom announced at the same time that it was freeing Iraqi assets worth £70,000,000 ( about US$126,000,000 ) , but a UK Foreign Office spokesman denied allegations that Richer 's release had been secured by an unpublicised arrangement between Iraq and the UK , said to involve the unfreezing of part of £621,400,000 ( US$1,100 million ) held by banks in the UK .
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