Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] is go to be " in BNC.

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1 I do feel that this is necessary because we are allocating or just allocating our proposed budget er a substantial amount of extra resources through the rights of way which I am thoroughly in favour of but I do think we need to know how that money is going to be used and which of the items which are to appear in the report are going to be covered by that money and which is still going to need to be addressed next year when we have to book in time for it for next year .
2 So it 's going to , the length of that side is going to be the
3 A second factor which I 'd like to raise , and please stop me , sir , if I 'm not playing your ground rules here , is to get back to the original point made by Mr Davis , as to how this figure is going to be split between the districts , I think it 's absolutely essential that this figure is split between the districts , and it may well be , if you decide , sir , to recommend in favour of the new settlement that you may have to leave that as a floating figure to go around the districts , at the moment it is not .
4 You begin to enjoy the way people can say ‘ The National Health Service is safe in our hands ’ or ‘ Nobody deplores apartheid more than we do ’ or even ‘ We do not have a shoot-to-kill policy ’ and you know that another hospital is going to close and that there will be another stitch-up with Pretoria and that another shooting is going to be quietly forgotten .
5 If , then , this column is going to be devoted to what could be called the ecology ( or Eco-logy ) of popular culture , it 's obliged to recognize that none of the emblematic artifices and artefacts of that culture , be they movies , commercials , headlines , photographs , typefaces , fashions or fads , can any longer be trusted to be ‘ innocent ’ ; that even if the crisp elegance of the typeface in which this article is embedded emits a ‘ meaning ’ as much as does the text itself , that meaning is also just as conscious and deliberate .
6 The use of the Bosch injector pump and having the head drilled for heater plugs is as good as this engine is going to be and , as such is a reasonable conversion , in relation to the cost .
7 I know for a fact that people have actually got the wind that this pub is going to be on sale , on sale
8 This icon is going to be used for a macro to count the number of words in a highlighted block — a very useful facility for making sure that any document you write is properly balanced .
9 She 's just an old woman living in the past , and if I never have another one this evening is going to be a good one . ’
10 They say that the police have not got the resources — but this game is going to be behind closed doors . ’
11 I understand that your institution covers not only Cambridgeshire but also Norfolk and Suffolk , so my welcome is a particular one to those delegates who have travelled here from neighbouring counties today , and I trust that your journey on such a pleasant morning was a really good one and that you 'll find that this symposium is going to be very worthwhile .
12 ‘ All this communication is going to be lost to the history of science forever .
13 This tour is going to be very retrospective , though ; we 're going way back .
14 This letter is going to be devoted to my affairs in connection with Edward … the other day he asked me if I thought you would care to go for a walk into the country somewhere .
15 This ship is going to be blasted off the face of the earth and that creature with it . ’
16 This show is going to be the noisiest or the most interesting ever because the technologies are in transition , ’ Cray said .
17 Given the amount of time that Karsten Schubert has been in business and given the new wave of gallery/dealers , this year is going to be the year to break with a much more open policy towards new art , are being seen as central to the contemporary art scene .
18 " One day , this Order is going to be very proud of you , Topaz Chilcott ; very proud indeed . "
19 Could I ask through you chair er how this system is going to be policed ?
20 In practice , almost anything : after '83 and '87 , whatever happens this time is going to be a huge advance .
21 This house is going to be my home , he says .
22 We 're going to be the first men at the South Pole , and that flag is going to be first , too ! ’
23 We have to tackle it in two directions , and I think that education is going to be incredibly important in terms of trying to create a more appropriate atmosphere in the colleges , you know , because at the end of the day that 's where people spend an enormous amount of their time .
24 ‘ I do n't think any sentence would really be appropriate but I ca n't bear the thought that he is going to be out one day , and that day is going to be sooner than I thought .
25 FO … you acquire the … skill , with practice , of looking at a discharge and being able to say visually in many cases , that there 's things like suspended solids — that it is going to be outside consent ; it is clear to you that sample is going to be outside .
26 If I make a mess of it that woman is going to be so glad .
27 That kid is going to be very , very big .
28 Any compilation is going to be a shallow thing redeemed only by the actual songs on it .
29 erm that 's the doubt and that doubt is going to be either borne out or shown to be wrong by the rest of John Major 's incumbents , so at the moment I 'll certainly give him the benefit of the doubt .
30 Further to the statement by the Secretary of State for Wales about the speech he is going to make , may I ask whether he can tell us if that speech is going to be included in the expenses of the Pontypridd by-election ?
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