Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] and he have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 and then he 's , he 's going out and they 're coming like that direction and he 's looked round and he 's seen the soldier , doing it , he 's gone and this is how I did it and then he put his , like this and he stuck his hands up and as his done that he 's got shot through the body from the side , what 's
2 Erm and he seems to think that er er , because he 's got this freedom and he 's got this street cred that like er , wo women will just fall over him .
3 and he 'd remembered this spiel and he 'd got it word perfect and he 's reeling it off as his one objection
4 But Neil Kinnock has endorsed the McNamara line on this issue and he has endorsed the main arguments used to justify it .
5 Mark right , he 's got up this morning and he 's gone to Tenby .
6 Forest want an answer from Keane by the end of this week and he has asked for an extra couple of days to iron out the finer details .
7 personally an and from er and the rest and he , he 's gone to this area and he 's looked and he , he 's seen and he may have interpreted this , or wanted to interpret it so that when his report went back that the , he was saying that we must get a move on to the people in the Party saying that we need to get involved now , we need to be in all these areas , we need to be helping things develop and , and being a part at the front .
8 I quote word for word , on the question of wanting details as to why the appeal was overturned , it is not a practice of the organization to give the reasons for such decisions and I would add that I 've spoken to the National Executive Officer on this matter and he 's confirmed that we are not required to do so .
9 If your mail to a debtor is returned with this notation and he has forgotten to leave you his new address all is not lost .
10 We wish him the best of luck with this venture and he has promised that he wo n't forget us when he becomes famous !
11 The bar had an entrance from another street and he had come in that way , threading between the tables , offering his goods , but with most of his attention on her .
12 He 'd acquired a gasoline kicker engine from somewhere with an exhaust that run and he had made during picked up from scraps and stuff and made it , so where he had a tub right on top of this gasoline engine .
13 We 've got the beating of Venture Capitalist on that run and he 's got the beating of Lochsong so in theory we should have a big chance .
14 Multiple factors contribute to this latter form and he has identified four groups .
15 He noticed in himself a definite tendency to swagger as he walked around the camp that morning and he had tried consciously to suppress it .
16 His father seemed a more promising candidate for that role and he had died a natural death .
17 He seeks more time and he has asked for a year or more .
18 He sank into an even deeper sleep that night with the knowledge that he , Willie Beech , had survived a whole day with four other people of his own age and he had made jam .
19 And besides , there were two things bothering him at the same time and he had assumed that the second problem nagging at him had been Cipolla .
20 The truly effective manager is aware of the performance levels that can be expected from each individual and he has helped them to define their own targets .
21 I had been told that er he 'd made threats against his wife and er his wife was living with somebody else at that time and he 'd made threats against him .
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