Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] of [noun] [noun sg] the " in BNC.

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1 The client must also represent to the firm , and must define in writing to each recipient of sales information the limitations of the firm 's role .
2 Lawyers may also find it helpful to refer to another Department of Health publication The Care of Children Principles and Practice in Regulations and Guidance ( HMSO ) .
3 In this type of support system the front line units are considered as a layer just like all the other layers .
4 In this type of design situation the company 's activity is centred around bringing out products simply to satisfy market demands .
5 Even during this period of labour shortage the fear of unemployment was ever present and remained a reality in certain occupations and regions , for example on Merseyside and Clydeside .
6 However through this radicalization of land reform the Party had learnt valuable lessons and that was the impossibility of egalitarianism with the demands of middle peasants which could n't they conflicted one another .
7 Chairman the St Albans traffic issue , the erm bus for quite a long period of time but throughout that period of time Chairman the County Council 's decision has been absolutely clear .
8 If there is any amount of bankside vegetation the task is somewhat easier than on an open bank .
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