Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] could be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If , on the other hand , the adult had signed a contract , not of guarantee , but of indemnity , that contract could be enforced against the adult even if the minor 's contract was void , Yeoman Credit Ltd. v. Latter ( 1961 ) .
2 Furthermore , if some Branches struck and called on others to back them , that support could be ensured by picketing the workplaces of those who were to be persuaded : Scargill was strong in his insistence that miners do not cross picket lines formed by other miners , but he was eventually defeated by both the unwillingness of an increasingly large body of miners ( especially those working in Nottinghamshire , see below ) to disregard this advice in the absence of a national ballot on strike action , and the government 's preparedness to counter the pickets by mass policing and other tactics which limited the freedom of movement of perceived would-be pickets ( Fine and Millar , 1985 ) .
3 Each sentence could be studied in isolation and be analysed in terms of grammatical construction , lexical content and so on .
4 She was aware that she was trembling in his hold , but , when she suddenly realised that some of that trembling could be coming from Ven , only then did she realise the stress he was under , and , for him , she pushed through her own fear barrier .
5 We have already mentioned that woodland could be located at a distance from the settlement , as only infrequent visits needed to be made .
6 This has necessitated a concern with the movement and transformation of energy in the atmospheric boundary layer , in the plant cover and in the soil so that progress could be made towards understanding the mechanism of energy and moisture exchange .
7 The public consultation exercise that was part of that erm Greater York study , and quite clearly the Greater York study was not a statutory plan , it was an informal plan , but it was the only way really that progress could be made in the absence erm of adopted local plans in Greater York , it was essential that that document was pursued to give a framework for the preparation of district local plans er and the greenbelt local plan , and the resolution that followed the consultation and the long body of work , and I 'll read it out , was that the development strategy for Greater York from ninety six to two thousand and six should be based on agreed sites within and on the periphery of the built up area , and that the residual requirement be met for the development of a new settlement or settlements located beyond the outer boundary erm of the greenbelt , a quite clearly there 's a major policy implication there that a new settlement was not acceptable within the greenbelt but would have to be er outside the outer boundary of the greenbelt , and the public consultation on that er study er attracted widespread support for a new settlement strategy in Greater York , all six authorities agreed that that was the direction er that had to be taken , it also had another benefit in that it enabled work on the York greenbelt local plan erm to proceed and that has now been taken forward to the stage where the enquiry terminated in May , it 's a joint enquiry in the greenbelt local plan enquiry , with a Southern Ryedale local plan enquiry in April ninety three , and we would hope that the inspectors report on that six month enquiry , when he considered all the objections to the er greenbelt proposals of the County Council , largely supported by the er District Council will be available er in the near future .
8 The pragmatist could agree , pointing out that the scope notes for each term could be used for precisely this purpose , adding that , unless a scientific name has no more common alternative , it should remain non-preferred , with an alternative preferred term supplied .
9 And that club could be joined by any teacher ?
10 But that figure could be cut by half if falling sales and paper closures are brought into the equation .
11 He also added drily that religion could be used as a tool of control if sufficient political and financial power was behind it .
12 The Deputy Minister of Justice announced that adultery could be punished by death by stoning , theft , by amputation of the hand or foot , and drinking alcohol , by up to 80 lashes .
13 Nos. 36 and 51 , retained at Sutton for short workings , were transferred to Penge , as any car from that batch could be sent to Sutton at short notice when required .
14 It was because the economy was as yet exhibiting a modest rate of overall growth ( by modern standards ) that investment could be undertaken on a private and regional basis with the state 's role confined to that of legal enablement .
15 Much of this support could be gained from voluntary befriending schemes , single parent advice groups and possibly the kinds of ‘ divorce workshops ’ that have gained a degree of popularity in American mental health centres .
16 The Home Affairs Select Committee report , when the Committee looked at sick leave , for example , found that some progress could be made in improving on the sick absence record of police officers .
17 In addition this ban could be applied to all political parties in a locality for up to three months .
18 There is a real possibility that this payment could be limited in future or even means-tested .
19 If coherence of this kind could be brought to the conduct of government policy , the prospects for the economy remain far from forlorn .
20 Although this difficulty could be resolved by adopting some kind of stratified sampling procedure ( Trudgill , for example , sampled four electoral wards of which the social characteristics were known ) , a more general question emerges of whether it is always reasonable to take the population of an urban area as a sampling universe , when in fact a high proportion of the higher-status people who work in that city actually reside in neighbouring towns .
21 Perhaps a future valid contribution to this field could be made by a combination of experimental simulation of mechanical and chemical compaction in conjunction with the use of computer imagery in volume reconstruction ; at present we only know compaction is extremely effective at reducing both absolute volume and porosity in many sediments .
22 Some of this teaching could be done in classes — the routine language work , for example .
23 This case could be regarded as an example of the first presumption applying and neither of the exceptions being relevant .
24 Although attention to processes at this level could be proceeding to what some geographers would clearly categorize as soil science , the movement did catalyse the development of a more three-dimensional view of the soil .
25 Unfortunately , it would not be an easy matter to construct a home-made optical system using digital signals so that this technique could be compared with the analogue one .
26 Using a small board to wire the wicket l.e.d.s This board could be made from stripboard .
27 This fight could be followed by another between rival claimants to the throne .
28 But this shirt could be worn with the skirt , could n't it ?
29 This sentence could be regarded as an elliptical version of the deductive explanation given in ( 27 ) .
30 This provision could be written into the marriage contract .
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