Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] that he [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Eisenhower commented in June that the British were so incensed by this question that he felt they would prefer to lose the oil , even to the USSR , rather than admit defeat .
2 It was from this room that he wrote his first and only communications with the outside world .
3 Gedge 's studies came to an end and it was at this point that he realised his obsessive interest in music could not be satisfied by part-time activity while he searched for a ‘ proper ’ job .
4 It was at this point that he found himself face to face with Cinzia Miletti .
5 Er , yeah , I think , I think it 's this stress that he felt he was under which led him to panic .
6 No , no he did n't , he did n't blow it at all no , it 's not on till four twenty this morning er three forty this morning that he blew it in , in the end .
7 There were , however , some true ministers , typified by the two witnesses of Revelations xx , and it was in this sense that he described himself as ‘ an unworthy witness ’ of the Lord .
8 Like Terry Venables calling for a pre-match arsenic , the old trouper knows that the best way to disarm your critics is to make ‘ em laugh , but the joke has been wearing a bit thin , and it was with some relief that he swopped his sheepish smile for a satisfied one .
9 This is very clever of Brutus , saying that he loved Caesar more than anybody , and it was for this love that he killed him , to prevent him from the trouble brewing ahead for him .
10 It was to celebrate recovery from this illness that he wrote his Hymn to the Supreme Being , on Recovery from a dangerous fit of Illness .
11 ( It was from the time of this incarceration that he developed his chest and joint complaints . )
12 In this ague-altered state Wallace perceived the whole symphony of evolutionary change with such immediacy that he feared it would escape him like a dream before he could write it down .
13 Then fear overcame curiosity and he scrambled down from the tree with such haste that he skinned his knees and gouged a long deep gash along the inside of his forearm .
14 Any money that he wanted he had to ask for , or if he wanted to buy anything he had to ask for it .
15 They wo n't accept with Charles Wychwood that ‘ everything is copied ’ , and wo n't accept his opinion of Chatterton : ‘ Thomas Chatterton believed that he could explain the entire material and spiritual world in terms of imitation and forgery , and so sure was he of his own genius that he allowed it to flourish under other names . ’
16 When he did n't move or give any indication that he knew she was there at all — although he must have heard the car draw up and , unless he was deaf , the car door slam — she marched across to him .
17 On the same day that he declared he had no intention of altering Danzig 's status , and after meeting Ambassador Lipski at the Reich Chancellery to make the same assurance , Hitler went to a private meeting with a small group of Nazi leaders .
18 In the same year that he assumed his appointment , he stated bluntly : ‘ Let no one call Mary the mother of God .
19 But to do him justice , the Prime Minister never gave me any impression that he wanted me to succeed him … .
20 It was in that House that he scored his greatest triumph for the cause of deaf people by persuading the Labour Government of Attlee that to provide free spectacles to the partially-sighted , free dentures to those whose teeth had rotted , free artificial limbs to the disabled , but to actually charge the sum of £10 to deaf people for National Health hearing-aids was blatant discrimination !
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