Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] that he [verb] his " in BNC.

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1 It was from this room that he wrote his first and only communications with the outside world .
2 Gedge 's studies came to an end and it was at this point that he realised his obsessive interest in music could not be satisfied by part-time activity while he searched for a ‘ proper ’ job .
3 Like Terry Venables calling for a pre-match arsenic , the old trouper knows that the best way to disarm your critics is to make ‘ em laugh , but the joke has been wearing a bit thin , and it was with some relief that he swopped his sheepish smile for a satisfied one .
4 It was to celebrate recovery from this illness that he wrote his Hymn to the Supreme Being , on Recovery from a dangerous fit of Illness .
5 ( It was from the time of this incarceration that he developed his chest and joint complaints . )
6 Jung expressed the view that , although recall does in fact exist , what is happening when regression to a previous life appears to be taking place is that the subject is simply tapping into some vast communal memory bank , and it is from this source that he obtains his information .
7 Then fear overcame curiosity and he scrambled down from the tree with such haste that he skinned his knees and gouged a long deep gash along the inside of his forearm .
8 In the same year that he assumed his appointment , he stated bluntly : ‘ Let no one call Mary the mother of God .
9 The candidate must also give his consent to nomination and at the same time that he gives his consent in writing he must state his qualifications to be a candidate .
10 It was in that House that he scored his greatest triumph for the cause of deaf people by persuading the Labour Government of Attlee that to provide free spectacles to the partially-sighted , free dentures to those whose teeth had rotted , free artificial limbs to the disabled , but to actually charge the sum of £10 to deaf people for National Health hearing-aids was blatant discrimination !
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