Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] that he [verb] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 A person who distributes inflammatory material to equable recipients can argue with some plausibility that he intended to display his contempt for the views of the recipient , or was seeking to indicate in forcefully graphic terms that he held a different point of view from the one espoused by his audience .
2 It was in this mood that he decided to bring The Criterion to an end .
3 It is within this group that he comes to establish both personal social bonds within his particular sub-group , but also comes to feel part of a wider social collective , as witnessed by the ‘ we 're all in it together ’ type of accounts given by members .
4 It was at this point that he began to realize what a very bizarre and difficult case he had fallen into .
5 I 've got to go back and it takes me sometimes twice , sometimes three times when you get all this rubbish that he has to take round .
6 It was after this attack that he commenced to dive ( Red 2 then carried out at [ sic ] attack ) .
7 So pleased was Mehmed II with this answer that he planned to seat Molla Gurani on his right and Molla Husrev on his left .
8 It was around this time that he went to collect his Mercedes from a car showroom and found himself being gathered in for the Lord .
9 And indeed it was from this time that he began to suffer the kind of serious ill health which was regularly to affect him for the rest of his life .
10 It was at this stage that he sought to qualify the right of national self-determination even in the colonies — ‘ to support savages and barbarians ’ , he wrote in Neue Zeit , ‘ who resist the penetration of capitalist civilization would be romantic ’ .
11 Then the world seemed to be going round and he was falling down and someone was running from a distance , one of the Keepers , in a grey uniform and with a fat pale face that filled him with such fear that he began to cry out in Hebrew words that he had forgotten he knew .
12 He found it incredibly rewarding and had a couple of momentous experiences of such excitement that he tried to recreate the excitement instead of going back to what caused it ( the old Orgasmic-Goal orientation — see Dr Ruth , pages 12 to 461 ) , so he gave up for a few years .
13 It was at that moment that he ventured to propose to her .
14 Barnett will however know in his own mind that he has to replace the 2,000 runs scored by the departed Azharuddin if Derbyshire are to be effective challengers .
15 As I understand it , Kitto J. is saying that the mere availability to the payee of summary remedies for non-payment may amount to sufficient compulsion on the payer to entitle him to recover irrespective of whether the payee has given any indication that he proposes to exercise such remedies .
16 Huy had been more help to the Medjay than he realised ; but it was on his own account that he decided to take up Taheb 's invitation and visit her .
17 Neither was there any proof that he tried to change his citizenship while attending Oxford University in the late Sixties , the report said .
18 Will my right hon. Friend be assured that any time that he cares to come to Romford , Essex men and Essex women will throng the streets in their thousands ?
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