Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] that [pron] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well that was the that was the er base headquarters of the international brigade , Albusate And then from there , w you were farmed out to the village , which was er er sort of the base , who are responsible for your er particular national battalion , you see er , the the the French people , they they er w they would be in one village , the English and the Canadians er er Americans would be er in this place that we were at , called Tarrazona Er and the Germans w , the German anti-fascists would be er in another .
2 Historians , of course , might feel at this point that they are in some sense losing control over what material is selected for future use ( Zweig 1992 : 181 ) .
3 I must admit at this juncture that I 'm on Graham Taylor 's side on this one .
4 There was some evidence that she was in complete ignorance of the power of attorney and of her power of sale .
5 There is also some evidence that it is of particular importance when women ( and less frequently men ) are left as the custodial parent after a marriage ends .
6 ‘ You see , ’ he went on as though they had been talking all afternoon , ‘ I had no idea until this morning that you were in the same state as I. ’
7 Finally , speaking in a low voice , the boy said : ‘ There 's something you do n't know : dad told me this morning that he was in bed when I got home last night . ’
8 In a sense , we all understand perfectly well what experiences are ; it is when we are challenged to explain this understanding that we are at a loss how to put it into words .
9 I lay for several days in a small wooden room , convinced for some reason that I was on an ocean-going ship .
10 Indeed it will be argued later in this book that it is at this level — the level of field support — that the greatest single power to achieve innovation may lie .
11 This seems , this seems a worthwhile thing to do to me , Chairman , this may reflect that , this position that we are in the business cycle that er , you know , with a slightly optimistic outlook , a lot of firms are seeing themselves in a position to expand and , and need this to help them do so .
12 the , the Rotaract er presents this year that they 're towards , so he 's been quite pleased .
13 ‘ Anders has achieved so many of his goals this year that I was on Jamie 's side .
14 So it is worth recalling at the outset of this discussion that it is in these senses that the female cross-dresser of the early seventeenth century could be described as an ‘ invert ’ or ‘ pervert ’ , and hardly at all in the sense of those words as coined and popularized by the nineteenth-century sexologists and , later , psychoanalysis .
15 Now , the final point I want to make in this little section , and I think Liz is going to help me make this point , and that is that one of your problems , which is not a big problem compared with some organizations , is you 've got to take what you 're doing , and repackage it in such way that it is of interest to ordinary people .
16 Although they are rarer fossils , some of them are of such interest that they are worth mentioning here .
17 I learned from that outing that there is in top-level racing , as well as intelligence , a physical dimension which is vastly important .
18 He had warned many Champenois that they were to be ready to follow when so commanded and , he wrote , ‘ they willingly agreed ’ .
19 ‘ That congregational aspect — which is a pretty Presbyterian word and I quite like the connotation — of the emotional effect of things happening to people while they 're gathered together , that was the big thing in the early acid clubs , that feeling that you were in a place with 200 people all going the same way as you , all into being there , enjoying being in this mass of people … …
20 Where this is overlooked , it is not unknown for the continuing partners to have difficulty in persuading their former colleague that it is in his own interest that changes need to be made .
21 Down below , thieves , assassins , trolls and merchants all realised at about the same moment that they were in a room made treacherous of foothold by gold coins and containing something , among the suddenly menacing shapes in the semi-darkness , that was absolutely horrible .
22 Instead of him just buying purely the raw commodity , you can er , change the , the degree of processing erm , the quality of , of the product , erm , so there is some scope for different product differentiation , but certainly not the same scope that there is in manufactures .
23 Now come on Stephen you were at the same debate that I was at , the housing committee .
24 Cautiously she admitted it but said in the same breath that it was of no consequence because her father had died for political reasons .
25 Copy a blank erm , and that would get rid of any deadwood that there is on the spreadsheet , once you 've done that , and you 've got rid of any deadwood .
26 Deputy Head ( Curriculum ) : ‘ The syllabus should be a working document throughout , in the same way that it is in the section on assessment and objectives .
27 But perhaps because she was thus secretly rejecting him and yet knew at the same time that he was in love with her , a sense of justice prompted her to help him in amorous efforts , to support him , to rid him of childish embarrassment .
28 It would not be of much help to him , and it would alert any intruder that he was on his way .
29 These salt ways certainly seem to have been used to transport salt from Droitwich in late-Saxon times and even later , but there can be little doubt that they were in existence long before then .
30 Harry Pascoe heard the laughter following this remark and was in little doubt that it was at his own expense .
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