Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] that [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That 's that card that Rhionna gave me .
2 It was a manifesto for change , and although it was given greater publicity by the Tories and the local press than by the Labour Party , it was with this manifesto that Labour increased its majority in Haringey .
3 It was at this point that Rincewind noticed something strange .
4 What is more , there is some evidence that clients expect it , too : if the creative people look too prosaic and orthodox , clients think that they will get prosaic and orthodox advertising , regardless of any evidence to the contrary .
5 Look at the size of this spoon that Maggi got me !
6 It was probably on this occasion that Binyon said something that Pound , misdating the event 1908 , recalled in the postscript to a letter to Binyon in 1934 :
7 It was during this season that Chapman made his first visit to Highbury , the new home of the newly-relegated Arsenal .
8 In another case it will mean that the writer creates his own special kind of language : and it is in this sense that Halliday applies it to the Neanderthal language of The Inheritors .
9 It was on this subject that Gould made his last recorded parliamentary speech in February 1728 .
10 It is a creation of society , not of individual reasoning or emotion , though it may satisfy both ; and it is for this reason that Durkheim tells us that a psychological interpretation of a social fact is invariably a wrong interpretation .
11 The travellers proceeded to Augsburg , Leopold 's home town , and it was on this visit that Mozart met his cousin , Maria Anna Thekla Mozart , two years his junior .
12 It was on this visit that Dana did something I found surprising and at first puzzling .
13 Three years later , in 1638 , Laud arranged for him to become Rector of Uppingham , in Rutland , and a chaplain to King Charles I. It was at this time that Taylor made his first marriage , to the sister of one of his Cambridge pupils . ’
14 It was about this time that Wynne made her first contact with Lars Carstensen and links were forged with Carita House , who have supplied so much of our equipment and clothing over the past 25 years .
15 Suspicions were easily aroused , for it was also at this time that Britain announced its desire to reduce the number of its troops stationed in West Germany under the WEU agreement , as part of its switch to a nuclear-based defence .
16 It was during this time that Foch showed his unshakeable courage .
17 It was at this time that Asgerjorn resigned his membership of the SI , although he continued to finance it through the sale of his paintings which were increasingly in demand in the 1960s .
18 Charles Frank looked into this and showed that the pion decay interpretation was correct , but it was in answering that question that Frank had his brainwave and stimulated a whole new field of research .
19 ‘ Oh , God , ’ Ruth breathed with such distress that Fernando tightened his grip around her , folding her so hard into his tense body that she clung to him hotly .
20 Under his guidance the little group shared his special feeling for Rembrandt , who painted Jewish faces from the Amsterdam ghetto with such humanity that Modigliani insisted he must have been a Jew .
21 He then proceeded to wash Willie 's hair several times with such vigour that Willie thought his head would fall off .
22 It was said in a tone of such contempt that Kate felt something inside her break .
23 I do n't suppose there 's much doubt that Milton approached his marriage a little late in life with an intensity of idealism that must , to some degree , have derived from the high conception of the chastity to which he had up till then dedicated himself , and poor Mary Powell , just like Desdemona , becomes a victim of male idealisation and the unreasonable demands that it makes .
24 ‘ Yes , ’ he said simply , and his voice held such conviction that Hilary believed him .
25 For swiftly , and with such adroitness that Fabia felt he must have done it many times before , in no time , and before she could blink , Lubor had caught her in his arms .
26 ‘ On its own , perhaps not , but I 'd also been told that day that people believed you and an English journalist who lives here , James Cobalt , were making enquiries about drug trafficking .
27 However , as John Springhall has recently argued , there is little evidence that teenagers suffer anything like an ‘ identity crisis ’ during their adolescent years .
28 Other studies have found that while managers and staff prize highly the ‘ therapeutic ’ discussion groups which flourish in many day care units , there is less evidence that users rate them as valuable and no evidence that people with long-term mental disorder gain benefit .
29 For more evidence that addictions have something in common in the way they act on the brain as a whole , no matter which pathways they stimulate , look at the pictures on this page .
30 The coypu-control man must have come on a weekday , though , and it was with that hangover that Adam associated his coming .
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