Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet in my view there is nothing in the authorities which precludes your Lordship 's House from laying down that money paid by way of tax following an ultra vires demand by the revenue is recoverable .
2 That decision found in favour of St. Bartholomew 's and against British Rail , and has thrown some of British Rail 's funding calculations into a degree of confusion .
3 China has fiercely opposed the introduction of democracy to Hong Kong , and has threatened to reverse any moves in that direction made by Britain before 1997 .
4 The other side of the reactivity coin is that change induced in respondents by evaluation may be of positive benefit .
5 One of these missing persons was still lying ( lying still , rather ! ) in the police mortuary in St Aldate 's ; the other person , with Morse 's full permission , had that afternoon departed by train for London , not stopping on this occasion ( as he had claimed to have stopped earlier ) at Didcot Parkway , but travelling straight through — past Reading , Maidenhead , Slough — to Paddington , whence he had taken a taxi to the Tour Company HQ in Belgravia in order to discuss the last wishes and the last rites of his erstwhile legal spouse , Mrs Laura Mary Stratton .
6 Male prostitutes have no such richness of terminology associated with them , nor is that terminology extended to men in general .
7 The largest single load ever carried on the tramway was this boiler transported from Bispham to Rigby Road in March 1925 .
8 Then Camp Mill saw yet another change converted to production of millboard , under Moses John Mason .
9 Another writer objected to phrases like ‘ Mrs X and her husband are not at home ’ .
10 Another analogy drawn from comparison with the Christian tradition would be as follows .
11 She tells us that when she met with one of her sons ‘ against his will ’ , they quarrelled , because she , ‘ some deal moved with sharpness of spirit ’ , insisted on telling him to flee the perils of this world ; the young man , doubtless angry at his mother 's squandering of his inheritance , ‘ sharply answering back ’ .
12 Tchaikovsky 's Piano Trio in A Minor , another piece written in memory of a friend , completed the programme .
13 This card produced by ACE with facts and statistics about older people in the UK was recently updated and a copy is enclosed with this newsletter .
14 Another issue brought into question by Miller is that of priorities .
15 We are grateful for some help received to date from QP and if other friends wish to be identified with the work in a practical manner , this would be much appreciated .
16 Leasing costs are high because some equipment purchased as part of the redevelopment was funded on leasing agreements .
17 This difference increased to £16.30 among mothers whose youngest child was over 10 years old ( 1983 figures ) .
18 This conference worked in Brussels throughout the remainder of the year .
19 It was curious that grass production did not warrant a high response when this crop accounted for 83% of the arable land .
20 Whereas previously those who had wealth to bequeath typically provided very handsomely for the eldest son , and at a much reduced level for the rest of their children , a practice became common which implied that children had roughly equal claims on a parent 's resources , with some distinction made on grounds of gender so that women and men inherited different kinds of property .
21 This initiative led in turn to the setting-up of a working party , under the chairmanship of Mr A.S .
22 He was full of idealism about what this post offered in terms of opportunity , and over the odd whisky in his pub of the moment , he would talk about what art education could be and should be .
23 ‘ You bet — I have to get this place kicked into shape by eight . ’
24 This suspicion hardened into certainty in the days that followed .
25 The protective association between the human leukocyte antigen HLA-B53 and severe malaria was investigated by sequencing of peptides eluted from this molecule followed by screening of candidate epitopes from pre-erythrocytic-stage antigens of Plasmodium falciparum in biochemical and cellular assays .
26 Not until the 1570s was this emphasis called into question by a new generation of astronomers , including Tycho Brahe and Kepler 's teacher Michael Maestlin ( 1550–1631 ) .
27 Below are a few haiku written by students in a writing class .
28 Plainly the clause was not on this occasion incorporated by virtue of the sold note , which had been handed over only after the bargain was struck .
29 The annual gathering was on this occasion attended by supporters of far-right groups in Austria , Belgium , Germany and Italy .
30 The Mozarts were not only granted leave , but on this occasion presented with money by the Prince Archbishop .
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