Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [pers pn] could [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In that instant she could happily have hit him .
2 And once you 've finished that you 'll be taken by special puke resistant ambulance to double triple quadruple maths with all that custard you could n't eat being forced into you on a drip feed !
3 That was how he worked , but in this case he could not free himself of the notion that although Francis was the victim he might not be the central figure .
4 In this study we could not show correlation between pathological scores or their distribution and any clinical parameter .
5 ‘ So did I , ’ said Bunny looking towards the Ladies and wondering if there could be another exit he could n't see .
6 Made the more appealing , perhaps , by alcohol and half-light , she was nonetheless beautiful , her elfin face crossed by a touching sadness , her brow furrowed by some longing she could not define .
7 As viewers of this scene we could also have deduced something about the relationship between John and Mary from the way they were sitting together and the way they looked at each other .
8 Well anyway it gets half way through this wood I could n't see couple of yards in front of me
9 Sara did not care to be beholden to Matthew Preston for even one pupil , but she knew at this moment she could not afford to be choosey .
10 A thick stolon was much delayed in its passage ; at one place it was forced to turn at right angles to its former course ; at another place it could not pass through the pins , and the hinder part became bowed ; it then curved upwards and passed through an opening between the upper part of some pins which happen to diverge ; it then descended and finally emerged through the crowd ’ ( Darwin , 1880 ) .
11 I had some business I could n't wriggle out of .
12 But then , I 'm so lazy with this band I could n't imagine being in two bands at once .
13 This evening she could hardly hide her delight .
14 I guessed , as everyone else must have done , that at some point she could not manage her life any longer and had gone out and stepped into the stream as a way of escape .
15 On this occasion he could only get 5in so he told one of the shunters , George Dyson , what had happened and asked him to go back along the fish vans and find out if a bag was off .
16 You said this morning you could n't see where anyone had forced their way in . ’
17 This morning you could n't wait to leave the house .
18 Chester so churned my stomach at breakfast this morning I could not face my sausage , egg and Guinness .
19 but I know it cos the other week when I had to work till half past eight for Peter , he was having a dinner party and erm we went down there , I had to go shopping with him , he made me die cos he asked me if I 'd work a bit later and I said yeah I need the money , so I 'll work later so er he made me die because he said in this flare up , this argument when when I worked that day , I mean , I worked all day , I had nothing to eat and I could n't eat af , you know , cos of this trouble I could n't eat after
20 I felt and this is the bit I like , I , I some I , I used to set this at one point in the examination question and ask people to guess which American president said it I 'll read , I 'll read it to you measures otherwise unconstitutional might become lawful if indispensable to the preservation of the constitution through the preservation of the nation just , I 'll just get the essence of that , measures otherwise unconstitutional might become lawful if indispensable to the preservation of the constitution through the preservation of the nation ninety percent put Richard Nixon er no one put Abraham Lincoln er cos he was one of the good guys right or wrong I assume this ground I could not feel that to the best of my ability I had even tried to preserve the if to save James Buchanan is essentially the Pontius Pilate of American politics he says yes these are very acute problems er and very difficult er and I 'd like to help but I 'm sorry I ca n't and I really do have to go off and wash my hands now erm and , you know , you carry on and when you 've resolved it tell me what you want me to do and I 'll ,
21 She seemed disappointed that there was some area of life , some vision she could not experience .
22 Where the employer was in breach of this duty he could not rely on the defence of common employment .
23 True , there was a mixed Italian and German team climbing not far away , heading for the Traverse of the Gods ; he could see them but for some reason they could n't see him .
24 But most alarming of all was the feel of the hard-muscled thigh pressing against hers , and , for some reason she could n't explain , she found it hard to drag her eyes away from his .
25 Her hands were splayed across his broad shoulders as if she would push him away , and for some reason she could n't seem to relax them .
26 She had always confided in Tony , but for some reason she could not confide that .
27 For some reason she could only move with nightmarish sluggishness , while everyone around her tore past with dizzying speed .
28 The musician , for some reason he could n't understand , did n't want to sell .
29 The Maxteds , for some reason I could never fathom , were ashamed of earning the money they did from the movies .
30 On the other hand , for this sum you could instead pick up roughly half of Russia 's manufacturing industry .
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