Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] that it " in BNC.

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1 It is in the nature of this kind of programme that it deals with several different topics , so the length of individual items is likely to be good for classroom use .
2 The site that was identified or potentially identified by by the house builders in York was a site which both the County Council and the District Council considered performed a number of greenbelt functions , I think that it would be accepted that in any development plan land should only be allocated if there were some degree of certainty that it would come forward for development within the plan period , the site that was identified , there had been no objections made to the Southern Ryedale local plan so therefore there were no indications that it would have come forward for development within that plan period anyway , had it been identified , had it been allocated .
3 The US giant , Dun & Bradstreet , is so concerned about this sort of thing that it has banned unions from access to its databases .
4 Do you feel at this point in time that it 's all been worth it ?
5 He said it only because he had forgotten the name she had told him , but the delicious little gurgle of laughter she gave coincided so precisely with another crackle of thunder that it seemed suddenly apt .
6 In fact , there 's so much bonding on stage that it would make the average punter slightly sick .
7 PC Week columnist Will Zachmann writes : ‘ … a good hard look at Windows NT leaves little room for optimism that it will deliver useful symmetric multi-processing capabilities anytime soon , either on the desktop or on a server .
8 The nucleus of a 14 C atom is unstable so there is a finite probability at any instant in time that it will decay .
9 As a result Mossad involves itself in any type of operation that it feels helps Israel or at least deters its enemies .
10 Black holes are one of only a fairly small number of cases in the history of science in which a theory was developed in great detail as a mathematical model before there was any evidence from observations that it was correct .
11 At Streatham and Liverpool in November he made his mark , observed by the Fascist apologist A. K. Chesterton ( cousin of G. K. Chesterton ) who recorded in his own life of Mosley that it was William Joyce who was the ‘ brilliant writer , speaker , and exponent of policy … addressed hundreds of meetings , always at his best , always revealing the iron spirit of Fascism in his refusal to be intimidated by violent opposition . ’
12 A unit of Goblins fears any unit of Elves that it does not outnumber by at least two to one .
13 Never again did it match that apex of prosperity that it reached during the brief nine years that Shah Jehan ruled from the Red Fort .
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