Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [v-ing] [prep] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 A bill is at this moment passing through Parliament which will enable the Milk Marketing Board to change from a statutory monopoly into a milk-buying co-operative , similar to those that already exist on the Continent , to be called Milk Marque .
2 This morning chatting with Mick who 's the chief executi executive of Nottinghamshire County Council .
3 I think this year speaking from memory it was something like fifteen , sixteen percent er , increase this year erm , but er , we 're getting to the stage now where it 's , it 's getting into profit and so we 're quite pleased with the growth there .
4 ‘ Now , however , this issue has been addressed again , this time taking into account what has been learned over the years about the effects of zero-point energy .
5 It was inevitable , too , that Mr Ueberroth would become the lightning rod for all criticism gathering round RLA itself .
6 We do not want to see more knife carrying by people who are mentally ill , although that clearly affects a minority of community care cases .
7 A vast number of debt summonses are issued in the county courts each year leading to judgements which are enforced in various ways .
8 Maybe it was because today so closely mirrored that subconscious yearning for escape she 'd experienced , gazing at the yachts outside Roman 's office , that she felt slightly disorientated .
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