Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [conj] she [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing very brilliant had come to her , though , until , not thinking of her problem in so much depth , she was doing some washing-up when she thought of Rosemary and , suddenly , of how Rosemary was renting her flat .
2 But there was some hesitation when she enquired after Christopher whom she badly wanted to see when he could manage to get some leave .
3 ‘ Oh ! ’ she said in some confusion as she fell off the tree and crashed into a garden bed .
4 ‘ I saw her again this morning as she rode round the field .
5 Beryl gave her some advice before she left on the night flight the following Friday .
6 But anyway when y when you were first exploring erm the needs and Maggie came back to you and offered erm this , this policy that she wanted for her daughter , but you never actually went back and saw if there was anything else , you never came back
7 She was teaching in a private school in this country before she came to us .
8 She went up the stairs two Levels , dodged across a gangpath to another stair and went up that five Levels , and finally , across another gangpath and she leapt for a lift just leaving .
9 Kerry 's hair had been recently cut but she decided to go for another snip when she arrived at the studio .
10 She hurled the words at him with such violence that she paused in order to catch her breath .
11 Also , Tabitha never quite got around to doing as much maintenance as she meant to .
12 It was n't what he said but more the way he said it , imbuing the words with so much meaning that she glared at him .
13 He poured out so much passion that she melted against him , completely willing , enslaved , and his hand moved impatiently to the zip of her dress , moving it down until the cool night air on her skin made her shiver .
14 And she was so relieved to be out of that place that she ran after and even overtook him .
15 The latticework door at the edge of the veranda opened at that moment and she hurried towards him , not troubling to disguise her pleasure at his arrival .
16 Knowing that fear , she abandoned all pride and she called into the darkness for someone to come and rescue her .
17 She would cross that bridge when she came to it .
18 Dawn was advised that she might obtain more money if she went to court , but she felt that this would be too hard for her emotionally , even though she had no memory of the accident or indeed of the friend who had died .
19 Young girl gets a holiday job in a butcher 's and gets more flesh than she bargained for .
20 For an hour or so Fabia wandered around the area which the dramatist Goethe had once called ‘ a paradise on earth ’ , and began to wish that she had more holiday than she had in which to explore more fully .
21 She was a bonny young 'un , right enough , and from a bonny mother , from what she had glimpsed of that lass as she skidded down the road with the polis after her .
22 ‘ I know she came to Oxford and I 'm certain in my own mind that she came to Breakspear College .
23 Similarly if in a language a woman referred to her son by the same term as she used for the son of her sister , this showed that the system of terms developed at a time when the two sisters would have been co-wives of the same man or men .
24 He swigged his champagne with such abandon that Ruth knew he had swallowed Maria Luisa 's explanation of their affair with the same ease as she had at first .
25 She knew a quick surge of satisfaction when the door flew open , but there was no time to revel in pride at her own achievement as she took in the scene beyond the door .
26 On that instant she put down her comb , and turned her back on her dressing-table mirror — and at the same time rejected any notion that she felt in any way excited .
27 She was about the same age as his own daughter but she looked as if she had the troubles of the world on her .
28 Even thirty years later , when she was quite old enough to know it was n't her fault , that a house did n't burn down because a girl threw a skull into a horse pond , she still cried in much the same way when she thought of it .
29 She moved nearer , her silks and veils rustling about her , and we all watched with the same affection that she invoked from family and friends alike .
30 Next morning , Dot was surprised when Gloria got up early and left for the Housing Applicant Office the same time as she went to school .
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