Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [conj] [pron] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 A long quarter swell built up and for four days and nights the carrack raced along , slipping backwards down each wave as it overtook her , wallowing heavily as the next one came up astern , and making a dazzling white wake that trailed astern like a huge , ragged scar across the aquamarine ocean .
2 Speaking of which , why did n't you marry that lieutenant when I told you to ?
3 Was Daff pleased with that watch that you got her ?
4 I was fond of that duvet because I thought it was hers .
5 right , and I look over to Roger and Roger 's flicking through his notes like this and as you , you were peeping through and he 's trying to find out what , what he 's talking about , they 're not looking at each other and anyway at the end of it , er we went through it and at the end of it he turned round and went how was it , what were you playing at , what was that spiel that you gave it 's in my brief , that 's one of my objections
6 Leith was about to state , quite forcefully , that she was there to work , not to flirt with every male who chanced his arm , when suddenly she realised that if he knew she had worked for Vasey 's for only a short while then there was a fair chance either someone from Personnel , or Mr Catham , had given him a brief run-down on each employee before he met them .
7 You 'd really need to re-fret this guitar before you used it in anger .
8 THE best Yorkshire crowds always gave you some stick when you deserved it .
9 As a matter of fact , I was talking to him briefly this afternoon and we agreed we 'd have a chat some time .
10 But Lindner said yesterday : ‘ I talked to Doug Laughton this afternoon and he told me a two-year contract was in the mail and everything was fine . ’
11 ‘ A couple of interviews this morning , and I met Penny Seu Chen this afternoon and she showed me round our building , studios and offices , and we rearranged a few things in mine .
12 He arrived this afternoon and I sent him off to rest .
13 Now when I spoke to Mrs on the telephone last night she told me about the work you 've been doing on and I have looked at it and I 'm going to go over it again with you this afternoon because she thought it was very very good work .
14 I told my friends I was going to the dentist this afternoon because I knew they 'd be jealous if they knew I 'd seen Home Alone 2 before anyone else .
15 I persuaded her to come on this course because I thought it would be a change for us both . ’
16 Hari felt a rush of disappointment , she had expected Lewis to jump at the chance of earning some money but it seemed he was reluctant to take her venture seriously .
17 The Bushman was following it , but suddenly he swerved aside and he went off in another direction and I followed him , although I could clearly see the buffalo hoofmarks leading off in the opposite way .
18 The United States Senate rejected this provision because it thought it would bestow legal rights upon third parties .
19 I did n't appreciate this freedom until I lost it .
20 And erm for summer then we put some here and some seaweed and it made it look kind of queer like but Mr Davis our art teacher just thought it would make it look more interesting .
21 I of course has to invent this ceremony and I did it in Latin as they do at Oxford
22 So I mean it it was it was represented to me er and I felt that there was some logic in it that that this company would not be discussing this deal unless it felt it could make money out of it and that money in the end would have to come out of the local people here .
23 We conclude this chapter as we started it .
24 Well as I say I went for this interview and she phoned me last Sunday did n't she ?
25 So could you phone up er your office because I cleared the fact that we can pay with this card cos I thought you might look at this and say well look it 's expired .
26 ‘ D ’ , my husband , did n't accept me loving another girl when I told him I was a lesbian , but after a while he accepted me as Carla — 100 per cent .
27 What we want to do in this session as I said it will only take about twenty minutes , there are three key things we want to do .
28 And we had a neighbour named and he 'd worked at E T N S all his life and had some influence and I mentioned it to him and he asked me , asked me if he could find me a job .
29 He looked down at her steadily and Maggie tried to stay cool , but she was losing this battle and she knew it .
30 In Primary Three I fell in love with another boy because he lent me his ‘ Lo-lo Ball ’ and I thought this meant love !
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