Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 Although it looked completely different , it was this truck that gave me the concept for ‘ MiniMag ’ , the 27ft ( 8m ) articulated truck that we used for Mrs Thatcher 's open-air meetings in the 1987 election .
2 And it is the freak subversive genius of this record that makes them the single most important rock band of our time .
3 It is this quality that gives them the semblance of life !
4 It was this certainty that made her the leader .
5 The research aims to describe how police authorities give effect to this duty and to analyse what the consequences of their adopting different strategies — formal consultative committees , public opinion surveys , informal liaison etc — are for the work of police authorities , for policing priorities and for police management practice .
6 I hope our fee proposals reflect this view and give you the flexibility to achieve your goals economically and efficiently .
7 He knew somehow that I was dealing with this section and gave me the serial number of a wagon and told me not to go anywhere near it .
8 It 'll be worse now , in retrospect , it 'll worse phoning Amy up at that moment and asking what the name was .
9 okay , again I mean these are things that talk about confirmation I mean quite honestly I 'm I 'd be quite happy if we had offices where people talk to each other ninety per cent of the time rather than send memos and faxes to each other , and on the whole we are really talking about inside the office with the people who we work with I mean obviously clients as well trying to find something different , we tend tend to find that it 's very very easy sometimes to make a phone call it 's much easier to make a phone call and to talk to that person and give them the personal touch .
10 So you will walk into that store and give him the haughtiest stare you are capable of — and you can do it , ’ he promised .
11 THE AUSTRALIANS have decided to concentrate on sevens with the same single-mindedness that won them the 15-a-side title last year .
12 And do you normally buy the software from the same person that sells you the computer ?
13 Once you understand the basics of what the technology can provide you need to carefully consider your own situation and ask yourself the following questions :
14 Sometimes such problems are tackled by putting the students to work in twos and threes , so that good readers can help the slower ones ; in the case of fairly lengthy work-cards , where more explanation is given , it is also helpful to record the text on a cassette , which the slower reader can listen to with the words before him , increasing his familiarity with the written word at the same time as giving him the information that he needs .
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