Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [verb] been [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So in an attempt to upgrade the tournament and I suspect to make sure that the host nation of the top division is bound to be involved in that division , the number of teams in each division has been increased from sic to eight .
2 She remembered his scratched plans and his frowning concentration , and for the first time fully understood that all that persistence had been devoted to the cause of breaking into Parfois .
3 How is it that you do n't know and in your letter to me you said this trust did not know where that money had been withdrawn at the same time Andrew director of Eastern Arts was quite happy to write to me to tell me why he was quite happy to tell the press over the phone why how is it the trust did n't know ?
4 The fly in the ointment was that money had been switched from the Department of the Environment which is accountable to Parliament .
5 Already that money has been put to good use .
6 None of that money has been used on the HMI reports — not a penny piece .
7 Each component has been announced as part of the System Ten announcement and in fact A P T and Gain Multimedia are available in production today .
8 ‘ Seed ’ sponsored ( a subset of the champion stage ) designates that funding has been provided by a department as a clear budgeted line-item .
9 At the conclusion of the meeting , little progress had been made beyond agreeing procedural rules and setting up two working parties .
10 Tax reform had been a major campaign commitment in 1976 , but four years later very little progress had been made on this matter .
11 Apart from perhaps the use of story grammars [ Mandler & johnson , 1977 ] and the concept of macrostructure formation [ Kintsch & van Dijk , 1983 ] , very little progress has been made towards the implementation of discourse rules in NLP systems .
12 Of the present pilot sites , relatively little progress has been made in terms of collecting outcome information .
13 Relatively little progress has been made in answering these questions .
14 However , very little progress has been made in leading children towards conventionally accepted explanations .
15 Little progress has been made in terms of developing a theory of the disorder which would provide greater understanding of how and why these factors relate to each other .
16 As suggested above , what Community law seems to require national courts positively to do is to identify an organisational function and then to ascertain whether control of that function has been transferred from one person to another in such a way that the function retains its operational structure .
17 To ask how a piece of machinery worked was not to deny that each part had been designed with a function in mind .
18 The trouble began when 10,000 Moslems marched in the town centre , protesting that permission had been granted for a five-day Christian revivalist rally to be addressed by a German preacher , Reinhard Bonnke , whereas some weeks previously permission had been refused for a South African imam to visit Kano .
19 It also reminds Beijing that permission has been refused for local protesters to erect a replica Statue of Democracy on a permanent site .
20 And that support had been bought at the cost of considerably increasing the budget .
21 That technique has been considered by many interested in waste management , because it achieves considerably higher volumes of reduction than incineration , and seems to offer good prospects for even better pollution control standards .
22 Kelly implied that each case had been judged on its merits , but the previous fines were criticised by politicians and police as being too lenient and the FA can expect more of the same after its latest decision .
23 That case has been followed by Koch 3 , still to be heard .
24 His approach is a clear indication that the apparent rigours of Faccenda are now being mitigated by judges because the definition of trade secrets given in that case has been found to be too narrow to be workable .
25 However , if that election had been fought under some system of proportional representation then the Conservatives would have had a majority over Labour but would have been in a very substantial overall minority since the Liberals and Social Democrats would have held 160 or so seats .
26 In its report , Control of Nursing Manpower , published in February 1986 , the Committee of Public Accounts acknowledged that progress had been made by nurse managers but went on to recommend that the " DHSS should ensure that all general managers are made aware of all the possibilities for economies identified in the C & AG 's report " ( 2 ) .
27 The IMF commented that progress had been made by the CAR in the implementation of structural reforms .
28 The UK Northern Ireland Secretary Sir Patrick Mayhew and the Irish Foreign Minister David Andrews agreed on Nov. 16 that progress had been made in the talks when round-table and committee stages gave way to bilateral contacts during the past four weeks , although there had been no bilateral meeting between the Irish government and the Democratic Unionist Party .
29 Little damage had been done to the surrounding farms since the beasts had concentrated their efforts on following the patrol and striving to enter Ivrigar .
30 mm yes get us at a much more er er effective role in reducing tariffs on manufactured goods than it has on agricultural goods and it 's only in this last round of G A T T talks , the Uruguay round that agriculture has been brought into the frame alright .
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