Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [verb] [conj] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That tiredness disappeared when he got his detective 's report on Volkov and his girlfriend .
2 Or perhaps no one can understand anyone : each blackbird believes that he has put into his whistle a meaning fundamental for him , but only he understands it ; the other gives him a reply that had no connection with what he said ; it is a dialogue between the deaf , a conversation without head or tail .
3 They had little money to spend once he 'd given up riding altogether but they shared love in abundance .
4 I had a little money saved and I began to use it up .
5 Because DVI is a programmable technique it will be possible to revise its algorithms with little difficulty to ensure that it conforms with MPEG requirements when they are known .
6 There 's also this thing which is called agricultural fundamentalism right and the most developing c , most developed countries , most of the population live in urban areas and the they see erm er rural areas as being sort of the backbone of society , sort of the salt of the earth type of element in society that although they do n't participate in themselves would like to maintain right and so even consumers may well be would not want see erm agriculture obliterated from er , from their country right because they like the products that erm that agriculture produces and they think that you can of erm destroying of the agricultural industry would , would pose an unacceptable burden on the fabric of rural society and as a result are quite happy to see protectionism er fo , for that industry .
7 One , to protect the members ' you know , interests in each department to see that they got the , a , a time limit you know , to go onto the scheme , that the consultation took place .
8 The next characteristic of a switching-off organization is that there are far too many people and far too many layers so that each employee feels that he has little or no headroom .
9 The council may also approach a couple of neighbours each side to see if they have any legitimate objections to your proposals .
10 The truth is that Labour knows that it has no creditable system with which to replace our proposals .
11 The compromise of an extendible lead gives him some freedom to wander but it does give rise to ‘ incidents ’ .
12 Andy Mason , of Newcastle A.C. , who is ranked in the UK decathlon list , looked in good form as he won the senior men 's 400 metres and 110 metres hurdles , and Tim Conners ( Ipswich Harriers ) was another runner to shine when he won the junior men 's 1500 metres .
13 Try hard — this driver demands that you put extra effort into something , so people try doing things in difficult ways .
14 The Conservatives want to see this link restored as they believe the present situation leads to extravagant and irresponsible local spending .
15 Our first minor disagreement of this kind came when we met a large puddle on a woodland track and Skipper decided he could n't possibly get his feet wet .
16 Unfortunately this coverage means that we have to let some top events go elsewhere . ’
17 How far that can be mitigated by more sensitive evaluation of the distinctive contribution individual old people may have still to make , should be one of the questions for all workers in this field to address as they go about their daily work .
18 Almost anybody who is offered an honour of some kind indicates that he has had a period of anxious , nay tortured reflection , but somehow inexorably arrives at the conclusion that duty demands — duty to his family , his wife , his children , his bank manager — that he should accept the honour .
19 However unlike the action potential in an axon this wave fades as it goes along so only if the signal is strong enough to begin with will it pass through to the postsynaptic cell body to create a new action potential .
20 Now what I want to do in this lecture is to finish off the er introductory part of my , of my remarks and take us up to the point where beginning at twelve o'clock the real part , the real er core of this course begins when we start to look at social theory .
21 One investigation aimed at characterisation of this response showed that it differs in the various colonic segments , with the proximal ones displaying brisk and less sustained contractile activity than the distal ones .
22 This negative element can be felt in ( 32 ) above in the fact that this sentence implies that he did not appeal to a higher court even though he could have .
23 A booklet put out in 1900 by the Franco-American Food Company of Jersey City made the point that its canned tomato soup was a spiced rather than a sweet one , " and our increasing sales of this variety show that it suits the taste of the majority .
24 One way would be to have a chemical whose concentration was fixed at one end of the line , and this concentration decreased as one moved down the line .
25 Unfortunately , the nonresonant nature of the nonlinearity in this experiment meant that it had to compete with other nonlinear processes .
26 This key indicates that you have completed input .
27 Have a look this side see if they 've got any lambs .
28 Well we had a secretary of state here who is now minister of transport , I do hope he 's watching this programme seeing as I promised we have had gains and proposals .
29 Well people have rung into this programme saying that they 've been put off visiting graves because this man is there .
30 Another girl commented that she had never ever been told she was beautiful , and believed strongly that all children should be told this by their parents .
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