Example sentences of "[det] [noun sg] [verb] [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In neither case did they mean they had personally been involved .
2 No you wo n't want a copy of that photograph let me tell you .
3 Nerves got the better of me and only when Les Cox stopped me to go for another take did I realise I 'd got my letters mixed up and had inadvertently said : ‘ Will you switch these sans off please ?
4 Rather more than 20 years ago , over a lunch in Staff House , I was persuaded by three eminent lecturers of this University to allow them to nominate me for the Council of Consumers ' Association .
5 There 's twenty-five guineas to the winner — and if you had some money to back yourself to win you could make as much as that again . ’
6 Well , what the government has said today is that they 're giving us some money to help us to take it and boost it a bit further and we 're very pleased to see that .
7 Suppose a law was now being considered by Parliament which you thought was really unjust and harmful ; which , if any , of the things on this card do you think you would do ?
8 Why when he had lavished so much care and time , not to mention a medium-sized fortune on this aeroplane did it let him down so utterly ?
9 This day have I begotten thee .
10 This month brings plenty to occupy you and inspire the necessary note of uncharacteristic caution .
11 The basic significance of this invention helped them to follow it rapidly in 1855 by the development of a unique precision gear cutting and dividing engine .
12 This cream do you want it tomorrow ?
13 This letter induced me to pay him an urgent visit , as I was doubtful of getting anything out of the Ministry so soon as that , if at all .
14 And I said I 've bought a box of matches for him to go down and light this fire thinking you know he might need two or three matches at a time .
15 I think the alum actually was so because this recipe enabled you to paint them with flowers if you wanted to .
16 If I go to another dentist do you think it 's worth my while writing to D H S S , saying I 've paid forty five , forty pound ninety five pence , at that dentist and can I transfer the treatment to this other dentist
17 Sketch the displays , then use the information in this section to help you compare them and judge how effective each one is .
18 ‘ How much money have you given him in the last three weeks ? ’
19 And now , in June , how much better did he know her ?
20 How much water have you have you to use ?
21 How much cheesecake do you think I can eat ? ’
22 ‘ How much sailing did you say you 'd done ? ’ he enquired in that soft even tone she knew to be lethal .
23 Why did you take such trouble to make me believe you wished to marry Miss Ingram ? ’
24 — How much classwork does it give you ?
25 What can I say , he 's seen the news , he reads the paper , how much reality do you show them and how much do you protect them .
26 oh yeah the people , matey 's walking along and he 's going like this and he 's pulling it as he 's doing it , he says and he 's doing it in proper time like that , but with one arm going he 's twiddling it , he 's doing it , he says no my feet are exactly like that , very effective but you can actually get fined for loosing them , you have to pay for them and its like a real , shooting sticks as well , you do n't tend to carry erm , these pay sticks you carry them like the old shooting sticks , the old you know ?
27 She 'd promised to phone Julie that night to let her know she 'd arrived safely and to check on her sister .
28 ‘ I was employed , sir , ’ said the captain , ‘ on secret orders , and to sail this ship where that gentleman ordered me to sail it .
29 ‘ If by that schoolgirl remark you mean I desired to sodomise you , you 're right .
30 Meadowbank and Stirling Albion , who meet this Saturday , are still fighting each other to decide who accompanies them downstairs .
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