Example sentences of "[det] [be] [adj] [conj] [pron] [is] " in BNC.

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1 Some are excellent but it is very important to check thoroughly and to be completely satisfied about patient care and the right kind of atmosphere before making definite arrangements .
2 so I thought he , he 's changing things he 's saying well I do n't think this is suitable and I do n't think my way of tackling this is suitable because he 's used to dealing with different kids , although they 're a similar age , they 're not very motivated or mighty but they 're more motivated than these kids , but he says like he 'll turned back towards the black board and he 'll be writing and they 're shouting abuse at him , F ing and blinding and he says it makes me so angry because I do n't know the voices well enough to know who 's saying it
3 This is a financial manager , usually a solicitor or accountant , who charges for services , and this is appropriate where there is a reasonable amount of capital .
4 There is some varietal difference in the severity of the effects , but reports suggest this is localised and there is no apparent consistency .
5 Although it is often claimed that exercise has a beneficial psychological effect in its own right , the evidence for this is scanty and it is always difficult to separate the specific effect of exercise from the moral support and social contact which usually goes with it .
6 This is daunting but it is also challenging and stimulating .
7 The transformer can be inside the house or in the garden shed or garage — provided this is dry and there is a mains electricity supply .
8 The reason for this is simple that there is no d.c. path to ground in the oscillator stage and the d.c. amplifier stage ( TR2 ) will consume only a minimal value of collector leakage current whilst the device is in the ‘ off ’ state .
9 Of course , this is possible but there is good reason to suppose that it is not the case .
10 This is possible as it is obvious in Mark 's Gospel especially that the disciples did not really understand what the Messiahship of Jesus meant .
11 This is ironical since it is in this sphere that urban sociology , and arguably sociology more generally , has made its greatest recent advances .
12 This is fortunate because it is only if the value of the cosmological constant is very small that the universe would be suitable for beings like us .
13 This is important as it is unlikely that the headteacher or other teachers will have much knowledge of this topic .
14 This is important because it is directly relevant to understanding the mechanism of a type of eruption not yet observed at first hand by any human being , but one that would make the Mt Pelee eruption pale into insignificance if an example were to occur today .
15 This is important and it is an issue which we will address in the coming chapters as we attempt to separate out the problems for both users and their community and whether the source of the problem is with heroin use or its legal and social status .
16 We play on grass but it 's dry , this is wet and it 's thirty five degress in South Africa big difference
17 A good deal of this is false but it is now clear that Antony has a much better ‘ grip ’ on the crowd than Brutus has , as his language is simpler , clearer and more direct , his ideas are coming over to the crowd with a much greater force .
18 This is unfortunate because what is really wanted is a modification of standard everyday food , leading to a healthier type of eating that can be incorporated permanently into the person 's life .
19 This is unfortunate because there is a more stringent test of complementary modular organization ; combining lesions to two modules should have effects that are the sum of those of the individual lesions .
20 This is evident when there is a preponderance of leaf growth in the centre of the clump and flower size diminishes .
21 This is adequate if one is simply trying to calculate who is receiving certain benefits , such as old-age pensions , from official sources , but if we are seeking a realistic conception of who is and who is not a dependant or a net contributor to the economy in a broader sense such definitions are not helpful ( Grundy , 1986 , p. 13 ) .
22 This is convenient because it is now recognised that they are such an important aspect of the transaction ; and pension under-funding or , in recent times more likely , over-funding , can involve such large amounts of money that the arrangements will generally be negotiated separately from the rest of the agreement by specialist pension lawyers from the parties ' solicitors and the parties ' respective actuaries .
23 This is interesting since there is evidence ( for example , Tung , 1984 ) that Japan is a strongly hierarchical culture and that status and face are emphasized .
24 That , that 's , that 's your ten thousand a year income , she can get by on that er this is interesting cos it 's all shares .
25 But it is not just played for easy excitement : this is alarming because it is so near the edge of what is possible , and yet it has just enough in reserve for tremendous final prestissimo .
26 this is weird cos it 's like happening like really late
27 Only congenital abnormalities in which there are no after effects or these are minimal and there is no need for further medical care after surgery are included .
28 All of these are difficult because it is very unlikely that you will be able to dig down to collect the rabbits that the ferrets accumulate at the dead-ends of the burrows .
29 Even though JET is moving the search for economic fusion forward , not all are convinced that it is worthwhile .
30 That bit will all be dark cos that bit will all be dark because it 's in the earth shadow but that little bit there that little bit the little bit that is n't in the in the earth 's shadow the appearance there will be a new moon .
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