Example sentences of "[det] [be] [adv] [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Of these only a few are not currently employed by one or other of the companies .
2 One loch looks very much like any other and some are not even marked on the 1:50,000 map , so always be properly clad and prepared to cope with fickle weather conditions , before setting out .
3 An opposition between active and contemplative life is fostered by the fact that not all people feel able to pursue the discipline of contemplative life — some are notably more suited to the necessary functions of active life .
4 The outline above suggests that agnathans are a paraphyletic group ( that is , some are more closely related to jawed vertebrates than to other agnathans ) and therefore the presence of circular mouths and pouch-like gills was part of gnathostome history .
5 Some are more easily drawn into a regional class alliance than others .
6 If you have a special request please advise your Travel Agent at the time of booking and ensure this is either correctly noted by the Agent on our computerised Reservations system or given to our Telephone Reservations department as appropriate .
7 This is particularly well illustrated in the case of old men who devote themselves to providing near total care for ailing wives , many having gone through marriage with little domestic involvement .
8 This is particularly well demonstrated in the experimental animal where the emigration of neutrophils through the intestinal mucosa in response to a luminal chemoattractand does not cause tissue damage while intracutaneous inoculation of the same substance does .
9 This is even more pronounced on a double bass which has even lower-pitched notes .
10 This is even more exaggerated in the poorly baby , especially the restricted catheterised premature child in intensive care .
11 This is not positively expressed to be the law , unlike section 18 , which expressly provides that the offence may take place in private as well as in public , and affords a private dwelling exemption .
12 It is important to note that this is not simply to do with naturalistic notions of ‘ emotional maturity ’ .
13 Equal opportunity legislation exists in most advanced countries but this is not yet reflected in equal pay rates .
14 String theories also lead to infinities , but it is thought they will all cancel out in versions like the heterotic string ( though this is not yet known for certain ) .
15 It would be natural to assume that this attempt to create a rift between Offa and the papacy occurred before the visit of the legates in 786 and that the visit was part of a process of reconciliation , but this is not wholly justified for Hadrian 's letter could date to the late rather than the mid-780s , and reflect hostility to one or more of a number of Offa 's actions .
16 This is not generally reflected in work on Japan published in English where the debate , if it is mentioned at all , seems to be based on the early works of Marx and a selective version of Weber .
17 The UK operates a system of aids to joint investment schemes for forage groups ( under Article 11 of the LFA Directive ) through ‘ Food from Britain' and includes grant aid of 25% for certain machinery and 15% for tractors but this is not widely used in the UK .
18 But we need to make certain that this is not just playing with formulae ; it is all too easy to produce " underlying representations " which are compatible with surface data , but which do not come with compelling reasons , based on other observable data and not on mere rejigging of the representational system , for being chosen in preference to various other compatible representations .
19 Now we 've got to race against time again , this is not just happening in NUPE it 's happened all over and it 's gon na it 's happening in this union before it starts .
20 ‘ The emphasis for local papers is to produce the paper more cheaply than before and this is not easily done by firms that are self-financed in every respect , ’ said Mr Crichton .
21 This is not easily accomplished in a vast and amorphous federal bureaucracy , but Meese and his colleagues were more successful than most presidential staffs in bringing it about .
22 Because of a steep flight of steps this is not easily negotiated by bicycle .
23 However , because this is not adequately related to the political ideals of the SI there is no analysis of the projected means ( theoretical or practical ) by which the sublation of art in the praxis of life might be achieved .
24 This is not really suited for binocular observation , but it is one of the few Mira variables easily found with binoculars when near maximum .
25 Prostitution also is not without danger , but this is not usually cited as an argument for making it illegal .
26 This is not only damaging to the final exam marks of the Student ( since a Student who had managed 60% in the Final Examination could fail because their End of Module Tests reduce the mark ) , but foolish , since they can take as many retakes of the End of Module Tests as they wish in order to achieve a good pass-mark .
27 This is not only to do with the intellectual innovations that led to the idea of the first factual surveys through to the social psychological and , finally , to the explanatory surveys incorporating variable analysis , but also to do with what is indicated about the nature of society and social life .
28 This is not only expressed through direct welfare , housing and educational provision to families which helps to ensure an adequate supply of suitable labour , but also in the reproduction of wider ideologies of popular consent which make it difficult for the rule to see the possibility of any other form of economic and political organization .
29 But this is not only achieved by force , for there are also ‘ ideological state apparatuses ’ , such as the education system , religion and the family , which maintain the status quo in more subtle ways .
30 This is not entirely explained by huge increases in population , as is widely propagated by the mass media and widely believed .
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