Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [det] [conj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Er he wants two two or three coaches for this and that and for a special to Liverpool you see , he 'd need it later that afternoon .
2 And I was half and half and by the time I you know , to come down to answer it mum , they 'd gone .
3 No it 's four hundred gallons , it 's , it 's , it 's , they do n't like to take any more than that because of the , the weight of water , it 's quite heavy er although they have one special equipment here again one of these roll-on roll-off ones , which is a water tank equipment , and er it carries about a thousand gallons or two thousand gallons of water , er in a tank , water tank and that if you are very short of water will be sent on as well to boost up water supplies in a particular area , so erm that was another one of these pods that we , we designed and , and put on the run .
4 It may also express other varieties of emphasis — for instance , contrast — but this is in no way required of it any more nor less than of a prenominal adjective .
5 True , they have D-marks , though their pay is less than half that in the west , and in principle full rights under the constitution .
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