Example sentences of "[det] [conj] [pron] [verb] i [be] " in BNC.

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1 We put on a few and I knew I was finishing , so I thought I would try to go out with a bang by breaking the pavilion window in the Long Room .
2 When our member then appealed to the Regional Secretary and said , well , I think I do wan na appeal and go further than this because I feel I 'm right , what letter did we then get in reply .
3 Not much but you know I 'm not rolling in money , a poor man like me needs to look for sort of er simple presents .
4 Her eyes fixed widely on his , despair and unhappiness in their depths , she asked miserably , ‘ You said you wanted me ; how could you do that if you thought I was selfish and self-centred ? ’
5 but that surprised the man in the queue and yet interestingly I think that and she said I was right in my assumption that that is part of the partnership philosophy of John Lewis that they work in partnership with their staff and in partnership with the community and they make their profit which is generated to start through the community which they sell to and therefore they quietly give back without wanting to play their own trumpets and in a sense I think that 's how it should be .
6 Cos that 's during the First World War , you see , and erm , he did and so he said goodbye to us all and he said I 'm going up now to say goodbye to your mother and he ran up the street here to say goodbye to my mother .
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