Example sentences of "[det] [adv] [coord] [pers pn] do [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 Well you got one of their trees in there and they 'll cut that down and they do n't do anything about them .
2 I 've got that down and I do n't know what it says .
3 He said you were gon na give him something but you did n't know how long , long it 'll last when I was in the kitchen you said I 'll put this on but I do n't know how long it 'll last no
4 I do n't think that the erm go into this properly and I do n't , I think will have dealt with it in lectures , but essentially there 's a common law principle that says if a matter is more prejudicial than evidential it should not be read .
5 Mr Jackson said : ‘ I have never heard of anything like this before but it did not really spoil our day .
6 Erm I 'll attempt to do that tonight but I do n't hold out much hope so do n't hold your breath .
7 But we 're there with everybody really — singing and shouting and that … you 're all together and it does n't matter who else is there as long as they 're Oxford fans … it 's all about the team , is n't it ? …
8 Cos I filled it all out and I do n't remember having to if there had been anything like that I 'd have asked you about it .
9 We are already many here and we do not need you . ’
10 The risks are all ahead and I do n't give a damn !
11 national vocation I I really think that it 's worse because they 've not , whereas when I was a trainee you had your six weeks on produce , your six weeks on whatever in the branch of that now and they did n't have that , they have n't got any training plan , so they 've got nothing to say well career , branch branch need here and I need to be here and I need to be here .
12 I do n't think it 's as bad as that here but I do n't think it can ever happen here , hopefully .
13 I can do that sometimes but I do n't
14 Now , he does n't say anything about penis envy in , in putting that forward and I do n't know whether penis envy was in his mind at the time he wrote those words and even if I asked him today , he probably would n't admit it .
15 They used to have that too but they do n't have that
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