Example sentences of "[det] [pron] had [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I made it from old aluminium tent-poles , some of which I had found in the attic a long time previously and some I had got from the town dump .
2 The agency gave assurances that this new evidence had been passed to the relevant prosecuting authorities , and it was this which had led to the prosecutors ' decision to withdraw from their plea bargain arrangement with Drogoul , thereby allowing him to change his plea to innocent .
3 This she had painted in a warm red tone , which complemented the dark wood and brass handles of her grandfather 's furniture .
4 After the War a few who had married in the island remained , but the majority returned to Gibraltar .
5 With Sycorax , the islanders were more successful in administering the proper rites , for during the treaty negotiations that followed the battle , her eldest daughter 's husband , who had been wounded in the foot but survived , pleaded for the bodies of the few who had died inside the stockade .
6 He clearly had friends in high places , as he was able to take on prominent people who had been purged after 1968 and even some who had suffered after the takeover of 1948 .
7 Some who had driven over the Berwyns insisted that they had had to put their headlights on , and this in the middle of a July day .
8 They 'd all got off the bus together ; this one had gone into a truckers ’ cafe for cigarettes and a carton of coffee .
9 To do this they had to trespass on the plaintiff 's land .
10 All this he had concluded from a rather wistful statement that she was missing him .
11 Was this what had happened with the Pitts ?
12 The Christian Democratic Party ( DC ) , the largest party in Parliament since 1948 , had experienced internal dissent , including that which had led to the formation of La Rete ( " The Network " ) as a new national political force [ see pp. 38481-82 ] .
13 It was a four-poster bed , like the one in the guest-room — that much she had realised during the night — but the room itself was bigger , with a balcony beyond double french doors with pots of geraniums on it .
14 She reflected on how much she had changed since the last festival , less than seven weeks ago .
15 Is the training course the same thing as what John was on in as much he had to get through the training course to get a position ?
16 Li Yuan looked back at his father , conscious of how much he had aged in the years between .
17 Agnes began to explain what little she had gleaned from the meeting .
18 Just seven days since he 'd gone , and each one had seemed like an eternity .
19 Mercifully , I was able to complete all I had to do within a very few days and I wondered whether the Sheikh had put a few words in the right ears .
20 The pot-bellied tosser told me that the club wished to make a gesture in recognition of all I had done for the ‘ Stiffs ’ during my spell as manager , and after much discussion it was agreed that they could best show their appreciation by raising the price of my season ticket for next year by 25 per cent .
21 Although , as an exercise against Republican democracy , the military rising of 18 July 1936 had had the backing of all who had sympathized with the Nationalist cause , there were many who felt that the result of the war — a military dictatorship — was not what they had intended .
22 The leader of the rebels , Imam Yasin Abu Bakr , demanded Robinson 's resignation , the establishment of a coalition interim government ( including himself ) , the holding of national elections within 90 days and an amnesty for all who had participated in the coup .
23 To all who had looked for a " new world after the war " the 1930s proved particularly depressing .
24 No encore was needed , despite the clamour for one and the band left knowing they 'd converted all who had come with an open mind .
25 No encore was needed , despite the clamour for one and the band left knowing they 'd converted all who had come with an open mind .
26 All you had to do as an employee in all honesty , was get up in the morning , and you had , the decision you had to make is , how do I get to work for half past eight ?
27 Ahead of them was a little church not unlike the many they had passed on the long route-march from Etaples to the front .
28 It was probable that he had not , and best in any case not to go near ; soon he would miss her , want her back , and perhaps give his permission for the marriage despite all he had said to the contrary .
29 All he had said at the interview , apart from ‘ I completely agree with you ’ and ‘ You are absolutely right , Headmaster ! ’ was ‘ Let's get this show on the road ! ’
30 Mr Roberts was thanked for all he had done for the Society since its inception .
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