Example sentences of "[det] [modal v] [adv] [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We do n't know what is happening , but that may yet be allocated to women 's issues . ’
2 As a result , if there 's a say , bad weather in the northern hemisphere affecting supply , right , that may well be offset by good weather , or average weather in the southern hemisphere , right .
3 That may also be construed as a counter offer , which the customer accepts by retaining the goods ; however , if a delivery note is sent with goods , and received by the buyer 's warehouse staff , the buyer may be able to argue that those staff have no actual or apparent authority to accept an offer .
4 Some of these functions are best performed by University Institutes , some by a Curriculum Development Centre , some by a Curriculum Planning Unit and it is therefore possible that functions which may hitherto have been seen as either wholly performed by this body or that may increasingly be undertaken in partnership .
5 1.12 The common point about such cases is of course that expert evidence can be called to dispute the allegations about seat belts , and that must always be borne in mind in these cases .
6 It could only be determined by the justices upon whatever evidence was put before it , and the effect of that must then be put into perspective .
7 Does he agree with the BMA that that should now be extended to every GP who wants to hold a fund ?
8 Combined with the rather weak correlation between inflammation and bleeding ( r : 0.60 ) , this suggests that while most of the neutrophils are seeking a mucosal signal , some may also be destined for the lumen in NSAID induced enteropathy .
9 With few exceptions , most people would wish to have a holiday of at leapt two weeks in the summer period which for some may also be confined to the time when children are on holiday from school or when the local factory is closed .
10 Some may even be clinging to the arching aerial roots of the mangroves or clambering up the trunks .
11 This may easily be demonstrated by substituting only the products of Legendre functions of the first kind into the condition ( 7.15 ) , which can not then be satisfied .
12 Unfortunately this may easily be overlooked as the offending animal often just appears to prosper while its neighbours shrink away and finally die .
13 A partial explanation for this may again be found in the 1925 precedent .
14 This may also be written in the form Since F ( ) is monotonic , we may take the inverse of ( 7.5 ) :
15 This may also be said of the fibre intake in man where we generally eat a low fibre diet but evolved eating a high fibre diet .
16 Thus high rates of job loss might be expected in areas where there is a high rate of technological innovation , but this may also be associated with an equally high rate of job creation .
17 The usual proxy for the market in the UK is the FT All Share Index and this may also be found in the r m S. For October-December 1986 the return on the market was 28 per cent and the standard deviation of this was 14 per cent .
18 He may not sue in his business name , although this may properly be recited in the particulars of claim to avoid confusion .
19 After 17.00 on weekdays , and on Saturday mornings , mean delivery times show a greater degree of fluctuation than at other periods , and while this may partly be explained in terms of the smallness of the samples from which these mean delivery times were calculated , it seems likely that a major factor was again reduced staffing levels at these periods .
20 This may partly be explained by the geographical circumstances .
21 This may best be done in terms of the LEA 's stated intentions and it is to this purpose that the results of this survey will now be reviewed .
22 Another plan is for the new partners to be admitted merely on undertaking to contribute their share of the partnership capital , and this may either be raised by borrowing from a bank or insurance company ( with periodic repayments ) or be left to be paid over a period of years by deduction from their share of the profits .
23 This may well be governed by price .
24 To give them the benefit of the doubt , this may well be necessitated by their unique position , but at times it appears alarmingly like arrogant behaviour .
25 the timing of the settlement : this may well be influenced by the contractor 's actual and predicted cash flow the authority of the
26 This may well be done through the normal structures of parents ' evenings and reports .
27 This may well be done by someone other than the interviewer .
28 This may well be used in other initiatives .
29 This may well be resisted by the landlord on the basis that the risk of unlet property should fall on the tenant .
30 The answer to this may well be found in the careers taken up by history graduates .
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