Example sentences of "[det] [art] [noun] [adv] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 This the court now held to be a valid return , although a general one , and , since it did not disclose on its face any irregularity or wrongful cause , it precluded the intervention of the courts .
2 I was in Winchester for St Giles ’ Fair last month — ' he paused and shook his head ‘ — but ‘ t was a poor showing this year , half the town still needing to be rebuilt , and the other half with scarce two farthings to rub together .
3 For our answer we have made an arbitrary assumption that he uses his car for 80% of the time for business and that half the repairs etc. relate to that car .
4 Half a love surely had to be better than none at all ?
5 The core of their problem was that such a device necessarily had to be a computer and a powerful one .
6 Although definitive information is lacking , it has been estimated that such a right currently applies to just 20% of the 1.5 million acres of common land in England and Wales .
7 But such a Code also has to be effective if applied .
8 Such a policy usually leads to the opposite of happiness .
9 Of those pubs which are listed — and there are still dismally few — such an attitude inevitably leads to a total disregard for those special qualities which distinguish the pub interior .
10 Such an approach also applies to product guarantees which attempt to exclude or restrict the consumer 's rights .
11 Once again , an initially English impulse of research has proposed and substantially validated an a cappella approach which seems to offer one kind of solution to this problem , but while the evidence for such an approach now seems to be strong it is important to clarify what has taken place , at least as far as the secular polyphonic song repertories of the Middle Ages are concerned .
12 Such an interview almost amounts to a conversation .
13 It is impossible to imagine such an accident ever happening to the meticulous and super-observant John Gould , but Darwin was no ornithologist , and , as a naturalist , he had had little training in the disciplines of collecting or identification .
14 A breadth-first traversal goes from one node to all the nodes directly connected to it and then resumes the process at one of those connected nodes .
15 It may be , though , that after all the locations best related to local land uses had been considered , the most defensible site was selected if local considerations dictated that a better-defended site might be a good idea .
16 A rather grand certificate marking the successful completion of all the tasks also adds to the attraction .
17 The director of the museum , Mr H. Bakker , visibly relieved to have all the originals safely returned to their shelves , told The Art Newspaper that each one of them would have provided enough money to buy a comfortable family home .
18 Although it is still popularly assumed that men are more prone to fall prey to the ravages of ‘ burnout ’ due to overwork and unhealthy lifestyle , all the evidence now points to women , especially aged between 35 and 50 , as today 's prime targets of stress .
19 The embarrassed cast is left posturing and declaiming , all the time frantically signalling to the audience their awareness of how ridiculous it all is , as if to say — we trust you will be benevolent even if we have no idea how to make this stuff funny or interesting .
20 Before we examine the 21 May Definition Order in detail , we must therefore summarise what can be discovered as to what made 1st Ukrainian Division , of all the formations originally surrendered to 5 Corps , a special case .
21 The symptoms of hyperventilation can therefore mimic virtually all the symptoms also attributed to anxiety and chronic stress .
22 If a candidate is elected with a surplus at a later count the probability is that both the votes previously given to him and the votes immediately responsible for his surplus will include votes already transferred at earlier stages .
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