Example sentences of "[det] [prep] an [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 The Mourne boss is determined that his side will make up for their semi-final defeat by Derry last year but refuses to embrace this as an additional spur in his motivating process .
2 She ( and occasionally he ) is seen by some as an unnecessary interference in the realm of the doctor , by others as a monitor to assess clients ' suitability for treatment , and by others again as a provider of information about treatment , advice about choices and generally to be a shoulder to cry on .
3 We shall show this in an uncomplicated way in a diagram which illustrates the classification of words : In terms of this diagram , nouns , for example , contrast directly with adjectives , but only indirectly with prepositions .
4 After Joplin 's death , Morgan 's notorious appeal won him many hearts , among them that of an unlucky waitress in Sausalito .
5 Where the only professional qualification held is that of an admitted solicitor in England and Wales , the presumption ( albeit rebuttable ) will be that the overseas practice is carried on as such .
6 The political context for investors there has shifted from that of a favoured frontline position on the Western side of the Bamboo Curtain in the 1950s to that of an emergent player in a dynamic , economically important region in the 1980s .
7 Conventional weapons would not have much of an offensive application in a world war in this era .
8 Three inter-connected themes informed these activities , namely the continued control of cultural industries by a small group of immensely powerful TNCs ; the effects of this control on those countries too poor to have much of an independent presence in these industries ; and the opportunities that the new technologies offer for the development of the Third World .
9 But then , instead of returning to the siege of Pons , he led his army in May 1179 to the enterprise which was to establish him once and for all as an acknowledged expert in the vital art of siege warfare : the capture of Taillebourg .
10 Then he turned back and stared intently at Harry , his eyes gleaming like those of an aged eagle in his bizarrely fledgling face .
11 The old master-spy , William Casey , was said , not least by North , to have masterminded both the Iran and contra operations , and that may well be true of the broad canvas ; but the marks are those of an enthusiastic amateur in espionage , a man who had learnt his craft of secret agent more from the cinema than from the CIA handbook .
12 I still believe that even for the most senior colleges , there is value in an external incentive — provided that the Council does not continue for ever its inspectoral function , and becomes instead more of an advisory body in partnership with the colleges .
13 Where bureau heads are mobile within the structure of state administration they have less of an egoistic interest in maximizing budgets .
14 City analysts have put a price tag of as much as £60m on Hargreaves and some potential bidders , including the Irish group CRH , have intimated that the business would be worth more to an existing player in the market than a newcomer .
15 So much so that occasionally Rosemary would insist on cooking supper and bringing it over — always with enough for an extra helping in case a guest should turn up .
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