Example sentences of "[det] [prep] a [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This procedure takes a new snapshot and does pixel counts for various subareas such as a narrow strips at the edge of the region of the reference area which is supposed to contain the reference card .
2 Answer the following questions , each with a few lines of explanation .
3 Modern brick and concrete duplexes squatted here and there along the road , each with a few rows of vines trained along wires suspended from concrete posts behind them .
4 All for a few inches of bloody zipper !
5 ‘ There will be enough wages to keep you all for a few weeks at least , until you have a chance to find another situation .
6 But , though statistics are objective icons for the disinterested observer — or powerfully distorting tools for the polemicist — once in a while a particular set of figures will leap from the page of some dust-dry tome to offer up an image more illuminating than all of a dozen reports like those in the bibliography relating to this chapter .
7 He had caught up with and passed his rival in a latter of a few strides in a quite extraordinary spurt of acceleration for a steeple-chaser carrying twelve and a half stone at the end of a three-mile chase , and for the big horse it was simply too much : Mill House weakened rapidly and by the time Arkle had strode home to a rapturous reception Mill House had been passed by Rondetto .
8 Jacques was also fortunate in that within a few months of taking up his appointment , the government 's public expenditure restrictions imposed in the economic crisis of 1931 were relaxed in 1935- 36 with the restoration of progressive grants and the encouragement of new provision in adult education , outlined in the Board of Education 's Circular 1444 .
9 We should have that in a few minutes on the , the quotes side , Mark 's gon na bring them in to me .
10 He said he could do that in a few minutes after getting to his office , and I arranged to ring him later in the morning .
11 ( I live in a town which has stayed the same for a thousand years beyond skirt-lengths and cars . )
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