Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [pron] [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 They did find high incidence of eye diseases among local animals , but in each case they concluded that the most likely cause was infection from a common pathogen .
2 Thus if a policeman gives directions to a traveller , a doctor tells a nurse how to administer medicine to a patient , a householder puts in an insurance claim , a shop assistant explains the relative merits of two types of knitting wool , or a scientist describes an experiment , in each case it matters that the speaker should make what he says ( or writes ) clear .
3 Sometimes that flash is near slit 1 and in that case we know that the electron actually went through the first slit .
4 I am grateful to my right hon. and learned Friend for that reply which shows that the programme for road improvements not only increases traffic flows and reduces congestion but makes a direct and positive contribution to the reduction of road casualties .
5 If if they do n't reduce that figure we feel that the oversupply will lead to green field sites being used where they should n't be .
6 In this case it appears that the bolts have been placed , not for the purpose of protection , but to create an artificial gangway .
7 In this case it seems that the structure of the drama has made it too easy for the children — perhaps because of the non-confrontational role adopted by the teacher as messenger early on , when he was excited and enthusiastic about the railway and its effect on another town .
8 Yet in this case I think that the block , which perhaps represents a bed on the level of reality , is in the ( statue ) metaphor reclaiming the man .
9 This split which ensures that the main emphasis in educational achievement rests on cognitive or intellectual pursuits contrasts with the situation in the Soviet Union where the central unity of the human being pervades all levels of education .
10 In this instance it seems that the client needed not so much advice on a course of action as legitimation from its lawyer .
11 This was interesting ; some tritium was occurring naturally in the heavy water and when they measured the tritium levels after the experiment had been running for some hours they found that the tritium level had dropped .
12 It is true that in some cases it happens that the recipient does not find the punishment painful , or even welcomes it — for example , some offenders might find prison a refuge against the intolerable pressures of the outside world .
13 Early in this study we showed that the scale of electronic information markets is already substantial .
14 In this study it seems that the higher fibre diet expanded the proliferative compartment in both the proximal and distal colon and would thus appear to increase the risk of colonic mucosal cell instability .
15 In this Chapter we show that the range of information which may be obtained from the use of the more common techniques is very wide ; we also explain the ways in which less conventional sources of information about molecular vibrations may provide valuable data .
16 In this chapter I argue that the legislative principle is so much part of our political practice that no competent interpretation of that practice can ignore it .
17 Quoting another study they add that the frontal lobe ‘ represents a relatively late phylogenetic acquisition which is well developed only in primates , especially in Man . ’
18 The er the er it has to be said on this side I suspect that the brevity of that speech was quite welcome , only because er I think er a number of us were n't altogether sure how how much time we would , we would get in this er debate after the front bench speaks , speeches .
19 From this figure we see that the optimal solution of AP is not a tour so that AP is not TSP .
20 He was first drawn to the whole theme of cycles of disadvantage , he says , by some research which suggested that the mature and the middle classes use birth control more effectively than the young and the disadvantaged .
21 The annexe has few refectory facilities , and on some days it seems that the queue for the coffee machine snakes endlessly around the corridors .
22 On this point it seems that the Literary Digest Poll and others committed two errors .
23 On this basis I conclude that the plaintiff is able to show an appropriation sufficient to satisfy section 1(1) of the Theft Act 1968 when the third party accepted delivery of the article .
24 On this basis I conclude that the plaintiff is able to show an appropriation sufficient to satisfy section 1(1) of the Theft Act 1968 when the third party accepted delivery of the articles . ’
25 In another move which shows that the board intends to live up to the word ‘ control ’ in its title , it sent a message to the Dominion Theatre in Tottenham Court Road , where Frank Bruno is playing in Aladdin , to the effect that Bruno will not be able to rub his genie 's lamp and in a puff of smoke reappear in a world title fight .
26 another revolution I mean that the fight that none , none of these things have really come to a full success , yeah , so nobody looks at them and says well we need no more revolutions because they 'll all work .
27 While there are glimmers of light the establishment of ACT two years ago increasing ecumenical activities at grass roots level , some referred to by Bishop this morning I believe that the times require a note of urgency in our response to God 's call .
28 From the optical properties of this mineral we know that the lens was able to interpret light coming from a direction more or less at right-angles to the lens surface .
29 There are some people who believe that the future of books and magazines for recording information is bleak and suggest that he computer will make the book obsolete as a way of preserving intelligence for succeeding generations .
30 There are still some people who believe that the word began as an acronym : in the Middle Ages , when a couple were convicted of fornication , the bailiff would enter in his book — ‘ For unlawful carnal knowledge ’ , which , as business as brisk and prosecutions plenty , was usually abbreviated to F.u.c.k .
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