Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [prep] [pron] [to-vb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The NMA argued from the outset for a negotiated settlement , in part because of a fear that intransigence might lead to total defeat and in part because it had little money with which to fight the strike following the run-down of its funds during the 1921 lockout .
2 It took a few minutes for me to balance the load .
3 The four days of the Congress so far have witnessed much angry barking by Communists and their allies but few proposals with which to attack the government .
4 Anyhow , er this evening very happy to provide a few pictures for you to have a look at , and hopefully with a bit of information .
5 But there is another light in which to view the beast : that of it being the evil within the girls .
6 The problem is that there are few data from which to calculate a requirement .
7 The existence of a ban on the legality of the Movement makes the position even more difficult in that it is practically impossible to even get a hall in some areas in which to hold a meeting .
8 The next day , although three of the team made the descent by mid-afternoon , the rest spent three or four hours walking after dark , with only a few torches between them to light the way .
9 ( d ) The theory does seem to have some resources with which to explain the link between certainty and knowledge .
10 They can usually find another woman with whom to share the pain .
11 We did n't build this road for you to dance a bloody fandango on . ’
12 Sir Charles Jasper , an authority on the occult , has chosen this theatre in which to hold a dinner party to celebrate the fact that at eleven o'clock that night he will come into a fortune — but if he dies before eleven his nephew , Maurice , will inherit instead .
13 But , she determined then , at some time she must most definitely find some space in which to tackle the issue with him .
14 While the first group of dogs feeds — it takes just a few seconds for them to finish the bowls , right down to the lick clean — I huff on my fingers , more hopefully than knowingly .
15 A profile of the artist is another form in which to review an exhibition .
16 ‘ I guess that things would have to change very , very materially in conditions of childcare support in this country for us to see a dramatic rise [ in women returners ] .
17 What made it more difficult for the social workers in Orkney , she said , was the very small size of the department ; they had few colleagues with whom to share the stress .
18 When they were not , they switched to cockles ( although it took some time for them to learn the technique of shell penetration ) .
19 Really it 's hard there was there was n't too much space for him to squeeze the ball back but he 's got to be looking to put the ball back from there .
20 Having chosen the four townships that were to be the location of the snowball samples , it remained to select the zero stage of the samples , one individual from each township with whom to start the referral chains .
21 ‘ I think we must get that husband of yours to lop a few branches off outside the window before you go blind , ’ he says to Rose , to demonstrate the terms he is on with her .
22 These traditional guidelines do n't have to be rigidly adhered to — it 's quite common these days for everyone to lend a hand whether on a practical or financial level .
23 He will come and live with her , inside her , his head between her breasts ; he is fed up , he says , with masturbating that head of his to make the phrases spurt .
24 South of the River Nene , the pattern of intra- and extra-mural land-use and structural build-up is surprisingly clear , though there is little evidence upon which to base a discussion of its development .
25 No , but I was fascinated by this man because he wanted above all things for us to record the Bartók Music for Strings , Percussion , and Celesta .
26 The finer the gauge of machine , the more needles it has , so if you move down a gauge with your fine yarn , you will get a better fabric and have more needles with which to knit the larger sizes .
27 Moreover , on the academic front , the detailed empirical study of electoral behaviour through sample surveys has come into its own so that we now have a great deal more information on which to explore the hopes and fears of those who took sides on the issue of democracy at the same time as we are provided with information to check out the reality of key elements of the responsible party model in Britain .
28 Lay estates , by contrast , are likely to show perhaps greater diversity , but there may be less information from which to reconstruct the pre-Conquest arrangements .
29 I have a definite sensation of making a better turn and of having more time in which to make the hit .
30 If Labour looks like becoming credible , Conservatives must find any stick with which to mutilate the appearance of a smooth conversion .
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