Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [verb] [prep] [det] way " in BNC.

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1 That institutions work in this way , contributing to the general status quo , becomes taken for granted by Radcliffe-Brown .
2 I did n't enjoy hurting friends , but each blow did in some way help me to cope with a temper .
3 This plates go in this way .
4 This chamber looks in some ways similar to the alchemical laboratory ( location 72 ) save that nothing is broken here , it 's simply very dusty and cobwebbed .
5 We may not know exactly how evolution took place , but it is at least now clear that humanity evolved in some way from the higher apes ; that there were female and male of other species on the earth before the appearance of women and men .
6 Furthermore , if outside agencies — such as courts or social workers decide that socialization has in some way been inadequate , it is to the family that they are most likely to turn in the allocation of blame or responsibility .
7 ( This may indeed reflect the fact that such adjectives seem in some way to constitute a more sophisticated manipulation of language than any we have seen in the adjectives discussed before ) .
8 Was that not the whole burden of his song , that nature needed in some way to be put to rights , and that it was man 's job to see it was put to rights ?
9 These notes constitute in many ways the best statement that exists of Babbage 's views on the general powers of his engines .
10 These considerations point to another way in which the no difference thesis distorts .
11 Almost all of these elements depend in some way for their initial success on the brigade 's own advanced forces , the Pathfinder Platoon .
12 This is a poor harvest from those weeks or months that the Pounds spent in Sicily ; and indeed it is no harvest at all , since none of these allusions depends in any way on the poet 's having been physically present in the island .
13 Although YTS has proved to be an important catalyst for change , the nature of these changes has in many ways been unexpected .
14 There would be fewer people to cope with that way , and she was n't young any longer .
15 We might therefore expect these works to conform in some way to established taste , but it does not follow , as many of Wordsworth 's later disciples were prone to assume that anything in heroic couplets is necessarily bad ; in fact , many passages from these poems compare quite favourably with Wordsworth 's eighteenth-century predecessors .
16 Now if that happens , the farmer would probably be prosecuted , and yet it is the case that many chickens die in that way every day .
17 If all teams act in this way , overall control will be maintained .
18 The licencee pays the charges on all parcels received in this way .
19 Many artefacts decorated in this way have been found in royal tombs on the mainland .
20 Each island overrun in this way would then serve as a springboard for attack on the next objective .
21 It is not likely that any organisation participating in these ways will have anti-union attitudes .
22 It applies to any profession regulated in some way by the state ( or by chartered professional associations , as is the case with many in the UK ) for which at least three years ' education and training at university or equivalent level are required .
23 Without research into the merits of the claims , it is impossible to say with authority whether most claims terminated in this way had no hope of success or whether applicants are forced to withdraw by the fear of costs .
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