Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [verb] [prep] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Actually , I 'm afraid I 'm sorry that mike seems to be dead , you 're going to have to come round and stand in front of all these hundred and fifty , three hundred people here doctor .
2 Both parts of that equation seem to be crazy .
3 Each forgery had to be faultless , and each took time .
4 Putting data into a spreadsheet is simplicity itself , but remembering where that data came from is another matter .
5 Indeed a major move of some kind seems to be unavoidable if not inevitable now , but once you decide where you ought to be — and more importantly , with whom you want to be — then the world will be your oyster .
6 This interaction seems to be crucial for the activity of the enzyme .
7 What we now need to ask is has the time arrived er for this measure to begin to be acceptable by the Home Office , it would be nice if there was a just a little indication er as I 'm er proceeding through er this measure from the minister at the despatch box , that the time was now right for this er particular proposal er which was not anything that was voted against er on second reading but merely failed to overcome the hurdle of getting a closure when by seventy eight votes to nil er it was carried except that carrying was not sufficient in order arrive at a closure so that the measure could move in the committee .
8 If this route proves to be common to many animal viruses it might point to new ways in which viral infections could be attacked with drugs .
9 If , however , the suspect piece turned out to be an aluminium bronze ( as was recently the case with some coins purporting to be Anglo-Saxon ) , then one could reject it straight away because aluminium , and thus aluminium bronze , was not known before the nineteenth century .
10 This cichlid seems to be tolerant to most water conditions although neutral ( pH 7.0 ) water is recommended .
11 This hesitation seems to be due to something about what knowledge is , and there is no obvious way to explain it if knowledge is as the tripartite conception claims it to be .
12 According to the Crown 's argument , this provision seems to be unnecessary and must have been included in the Act ( and presumably also in the draft Bill ) as a mere matter of convenience .
13 ‘ Security in some schools has to be 24 hours a day to keep kids out and stop them burning them down . ’
14 Yet no part of this extravaganza appeared to be derelict .
15 " With regard to the Native custom affecting cases of this kind , there is possibly no definite rule that can be made applicable to all cases and to all districts , but this rule appears to be applicable everywhere , that when a woman of one tribe or hapu marries into another tribe or hapu , her rights become extinguished , unless some act of ownership is exercised either by herself or her immediate descendants .
16 Dogs are particularly vulnerable to this poison , but some snakes appear to be immune .
17 Exactly where all this speed comes from is difficult to pin down ; obviously Virtual Processor code is pretty low level stuff and assembler code tends to run quickly by its very nature , however Hinsley is optimistic that the kind of performance seen today will be preserved even when applications are written using the C++ and Parallel Basic compilers that are currently nearing completion — compilers that produce Virtual Processor code , of course .
18 Exactly where all this speed comes from is difficult to pin down ; obviously Virtual Processor code is pretty low level stuff and assembler code tends to run quickly by its very nature , however Hinsley is optimistic that the kind of performance seen today will be preserved even when applications are written using the C++ and Parallel Basic compilers that are currently nearing completion — compilers that produce Virtual Processor code , of course .
19 Some animals compromise by being active at dawn and dusk when the hazy twilight helps to hide them .
20 The technique of engraving was therefore not really feasible until iron and steel tools came into use at the end of the second millennium BC , yet this piece purports to be many hundreds of years older .
21 ISS assumed that the first three years would continue with a broad curriculum and would include subjects ( such as home economics ) which at present few schools consider to be compulsory in the fourth and fifth years .
22 ‘ Well , this Meredith happens to be female , all the bits between the woolly hat and brown brogues , ’ she said wrily .
23 The upper part of this formation tends to be argillaceous , and the thickest clean sandstones are in the lower section .
24 German racing as I 've mentioned before in this column appears to be all the rage and there is a big meeting at Baden Baden today with John Oxx featured .
25 German racing as I 've mentioned before in this column appears to be all the rage and there is a big meeting at Baden Baden today with John Oxx featured .
26 This work purports to be authoritative , and it is the source relied upon by the S.A.S. Regimental Association when supplying information of the kind which I was now seeking .
27 This work promises to be arduous , especially when it comes to deal with Jewish settlements in the territories , the future of Jerusalem , and security .
28 Fortunately , the result of this test proved to be negative but , given the temperance of her lifestyle , her decision to take it in the first place would , at the very least , seem as bizarre as Mr Oliver Reed , the thirst , embarking upon an assertiveness training course .
29 Now this theme happens to be one of Webern 's most memorable instrumental conceptions , yet it is very elusive , probably because of its poorly defined rhythmic shape .
30 Nothing quite so staggering happens here but for followers of Cash ( the man , the myth ) this record manages to be inspiring , pointed and impassioned .
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