Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [verb] [verb] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 It can be seen that the committee continues to recognise the difference between obtaining possession by a trick ( that is , ‘ by deception ’ in its new wide sense ) and obtaining ownership by false pretences ( again , ‘ by deception ’ ) but the committee intended , and it seems that Parliament has adopted the same approach in section 15 , that , for the purpose of finding the accused guilty , it would cease to matter whether the victim was deceived into transferring ownership or into handing over possession .
2 This study aimed to use the same methods to examine anorectal function in 23 patients with complete supraconal spinal cord lesions and to determinate the relationship between the site of the lesion and the existence of inconsistent phenomena .
3 For Europe , the nineteenth century was the great time when languages were identified and codified in single forms , minority languages in part eliminated , consciously national literatures and musics invented , and the territory mapped ( appropriately described as a ‘ father ’ or ‘ mother ’ land , even though very few peoples have occupied the same territory for more than a thousand years ) .
4 W. Lancaster 's 13/0 stainless steel cutlery : some customers have used the same set for 20 years
5 Now the government is trying another policy designed to achieve the same end .
6 The trader himself will fill in another form offering to sell the same item to the finance company .
7 There is a sense in which this task has remained the same since libraries began ( clay tablets were gathered into organized collections in Mesopotamia at least as early as 2700 BC ) but modern librarianship properly dates from the nineteenth century , from Panizzi 's reign at the British Museum , from the spread of the public library movement in Britain , the USA and Scandinavia , and from the new techniques initiated by such creative geniuses ( in their day ) as Melvil Dewey and Charles Amni Cutter .
8 The chances of winning the two bets are at that point judged to have the same probability , given by the ratio of red to blue marbles .
9 The chances of winning the two bets are at that point judged to have the same probability , given by the ratio of red to blue marbles .
10 Utilisation can be twice as high and produces a double benefit : ( i ) lower costs per hour , and ( ii ) fewer aircraft needed to service the same sales volume .
11 These designs involve slipping the same needle for between two and four rows .
12 I think of the poetic neatness of the novel about the compulsive , enduring desire for a house of one 's own being composed only a few streets away from where someone with infinitely fewer resources tried to mobilise the same dream .
13 In its turn , the government rejected FMLN accusations that it was misleading national and international opinion into believing that the Treasury Police and National Guard had been disbanded when , according to the guerrillas , these forces continued to occupy the same installations , with the same structures and weapons but wearing a different uniform .
14 Many fonts supplied have the same names as famous typographic faces but unless the typographer 's width tables have been provided for the target device all sorts of trouble can occur .
15 The Pilot Survey showed some monitoring , further standardisation of the equipment was essential , mainly though , I 'm going to make sure all schools have got the same pipes and connector and I 'm going to give them some solutions to test because there was a bit of variation between schools , and there will be variation geographically , so I want to be able to have a measure of any error that will be involved as well .
16 All teachers have had the same training , but styles and personalities can differ greatly .
17 It is surely one of the most cruel twists of fate that a man who has demonstrated such commitment , as well as compassion to overcome so many other problems during his life — and indeed to have helped so many others to have done the same — that he should have become a victim of medical science .
18 Who knows how many women have had the same ordeal as myself ?
19 Those treaties have followed the same course .
20 He was reminded of something he had read somewhere : that it was seldom wise to return to any former haunt hoping to recapture the same pleasure it had first given , because it was sure to be different and disappointing .
21 By comparable mechanisms , an animal ( or human ) will find a task easier to learn if others of the same type have learned the same task before .
22 A similar conclusion was reached by Gruenberg ( 1977 ) from a population study in Sweden , although further analysis of the same population failed to reach the same conclusion ( Rorsman et al .
23 Theoretically , we might expect this to be so , since the same environment tends to support the same kind of organisms , but in fact the persistence of some fossils appears to go far beyond what we know at the present day .
24 Her own mother had done the same .
25 It seemed that Fen had made the same resolution .
26 Most patterns need to go the same way on all pieces joined , so this must be taken into account when ordering .
27 So one seems to have perfect control ; both mice have received the same number of shocks , but one learns how to avoid the shock , the other can not , for there is no escape ; the number of shocks it receives is entirely governed by the behaviour of its learning partner .
28 Both rooms had received the same brutal searching treatment .
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