Example sentences of "[det] [noun] [conj] [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Within a day or so the newcomers have appointments fixed with social security to get some money and when it looks as if they 're staying , negotiations begin with schools to admit their children .
2 Okay then , welcome to everyone , and er hopefully a few minutes but if it does
3 Are we to conclude both that Papinian wrote this text and that it enunciates a general rule ?
4 Sources close to the investigation suggest it has been dormant for some months and that it produced no conclusions one way or the other .
5 Sadly Mr 's proposal fell on a technicality , but I think he put his finger on something which I felt the assembly was , was responding to , that we are not finished with this issue and although it fell on a technicality about money , perhaps without making any addendums and motions we might er refuse this addendum and keep our minds on the baptism issue and hope that the Board of Practice and Procedure and the panel on doctrine will pick up the substance and the , the essence of what Mr was asking for and pursue this matter until as a church we can get it sorted out to the satisfaction of all the groups within the church .
6 We think that it conserves services , that it has searched out the vast majority of efficiencies that we can find within this council and that it does n't pass on to the poll tax , council tax payers the fruits , I mean it does pass on the poll tax or council tax payers the fruits of how we have achieved savings and efficiencies over the last couple of years .
7 ‘ We still have nearly 200 young people undergoing training on this site and although it continues to be less than in earlier years , because the business scene has changed , our overall commitment to training and development certainly has not . ’
8 Burroughs fans discuss this incident as though it enhances the writer 's mythical status .
9 I wondered how I should broach this subject but as it happened , Dame Edna opened her heart .
10 A centesimal potency creates a wave of some size and when it reaches the shore there will be considerable disturbance while the turbulence subsides and the remains of the wave penetrates to its furthest point .
11 She had this thing that if it had been a Nigerian boy , the mother would be here saying " I 'm sorry my son has got your daughter pregnant .
12 What must be remembered though is that whatever is asked and answered in a survey has to be inputted in some way and once it has been processed the output has to be read by someone .
13 This way and that it rippled and shivered and then was still , a great sea .
14 With great difficulty I obtained a copy of this document and while it stated that ‘ public servants should not reveal the opinions and attitudes of colleagues as to the government business with which they have been concerned ’ , another section said quite clearly that a reasonable timescale for a public servant 's silence would be ‘ fifteen years or for the service life of the adviser , whichever is the longer ’ .
15 It is possible that it could have been left with the registry in this office and that it reached the case file as a result , but I can not be sure .
16 We Danes get so little sun that when it does shine on us we like to take full advantage of it . ’
17 The Collector popped it into his mouth , let himself savour the sensation of it wriggling on his tongue for a moment , then crunched it with as much pleasure as if it had been a chocolate truffle .
18 ‘ You 're at maximum lean angle now with so much grip that when it does step out it throws you a long way .
19 Miss Lambe helped him to unpack his books , holding each one with as much reverence as if it had been the Sacrament .
20 Take some of these pills and if it does n't clear up , give me a ring .
21 Even with sentences not of the form A is f(X) it is often the case that a sentence containing a hyponym unilaterally entails a parallel sentence which is identical in all respects except that it contains a superordinate in place of the hyponym :
22 Great sporting moments have many facets but when it comes down to thrills and spill and leaving the pulses racing , the National is hard to beat .
23 The chairman called on the Department to take action about those complaints because if it did not do so there would be little industry left to take action about .
24 No matter how many causes and causal circumstances existed for an effect , it was true of each cause that if it occurred , so did the effect .
25 This was the keystone-moment in the strategy they had followed all that summer and autumn-if it failed , the entire structure would fall .
26 They were seen to be working in the same direction and although it has not yet been possible to gauge the extent to which they help in the task of managing new education , their contribution to quality assurance should , by tradition , be valuable .
27 Dwell for a few moments on these words of Paul , and when you have a moment of quiet use the prayer that follows , either in your own words or as it stands , as a way of bringing to God your thoughts and feelings both on what you have discovered through these pages , and any particular concerns you may have at this present moment .
28 Najaar claims that it does not have any side-effects and that it does not affect the taste of food .
29 I can understand the feelings of any community that when it 's suggested there should be a gipsy site .
30 ‘ Every project has to be considered on its own merits but when it comes to safety there are certain common denominators — that 's why there are so many do 's and don'ts in place — to protect us , ’ explains regional health and safety advisor , John Fegan who , together with colleague David Scott is responsible for all of Wimpey 's Contracting and Homes sites in Scotland .
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