Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [Wh det] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 I counted only six white workers in the factory , half of which seemed to be of below average intelligence .
2 I felt about me ; and my hands came in contact with several fishes , some of which seemed to be still alive , for they squirmed in my fingers , and slipped back to my feet .
3 But the private world , where people look for both their pleasure and their fulfilment , is a competing world of separate group allegiances , some of which happen to be religious .
4 Members of parliament and top civil servants were made to reveal their financial assets , some of which proved to be astonishingly large .
5 You can picture it , ca n't you , as the daily dumper truck tips out hundreds more envelopes , each of which has to be laboriously slit open , the contents unfolded , date-stamped , sent to the right person to be read .
6 As regards size , to come to the second point , the Government amendments still seem to contemplate that sixteen should be the norm er but in practice , I would expect a great many exceptions to be made where for example there are number of constituent authorities er as in Greater Manchester er where there 's er a combination of urban areas and large rural areas , or where the authority tends to function through a lot of sub-committees each of which have to be manned as in Greater Man as in Merseyside .
7 Up on Tottenham Court Road there were all the gadget shops , all displaying their various ranges of radios , record players , compact-disc players and videos — all of which seemed to be housed in bewilderingly similar sleek black boxes .
8 Other aircraft of note included : Mil Mi-6 , Tupolev Tu-22M Backfire , Tu-134 , Tu-154 and Ilyushin II-62 , all of which seemed to be just parked out on the airfield amongst the overgrown grass .
9 What happened that afternoon was the product of countless details , all of which had to be just right .
10 The cost of this story was very high , not least for the time , materials and manpower needed to build the ‘ giant ’ sets and props ( the sink , the telephone , the briefcase , the lab bench , etc. ) , all of which had to be robust enough for the regular cast to clamber around .
11 In every house in the Rante , as well as at every animist site throughout the valley , numerous puzzling little rituals were taking place — all of which had to be successfully completed , apparently , before the final " star-launching " could proceed .
12 When there was the gas explosion at Guthrie Street we lost more than 100 panes of glass , all of which had to be replaced as quickly as possible . ’
13 Concern for the poor , and the distribution of alms , responsibility for widows and orphans , and also the visitation of those in prison , all of which came to be recognized as being within the purview of the Church in legal texts , derived from the New Testament .
14 They include beet , lettuce , broad beans , carrots , peas and spinach , all of which need to be sown as soon as possible now .
15 This gives rise to a number of interrelated problems , all of which need to be solved before we have a normal form .
16 Lighting is one of the most important elements to get right in any room , but particularly in the living room with its many different functions , all of which need to be appropriately lit .
17 In connection particularly with the second inquiry , will the right hon. Gentleman bear in mind the fact that we have children in private as well as in local authority homes , all of which need to be looked into quickly ?
18 All of which needs to be taken into account when assessing my brilliance that summer .
19 while the Ministry of Defence deployed a speech-synthesiser called Ian McDonald to give the British public all the news fit to print , all of which appeared to be found fit several days after it happened .
20 For decades women have agonized over their breasts — either too big or too small ; their overall body shape — no waist , bum too big , legs too short ; and the various component parts of face and hair , all of which have to be altered , enhanced or de-emphasized at regular intervals .
21 Transcription of vaccinia virus is carried out by a multimeric RNA polymerase composed of two large and many small subunits , all of which seem to be virus encoded ( reviewed in ( 1 ) ) .
22 The so-called ‘ alternative ’ or ‘ complementary ’ medical scene embraces a large number of different ideas , theories and treatments , many of which appear to be in conflict with each other .
23 If , on the other hand , you knew much more about what had to be done to solve the problem than the other person , then communicating clearly and testing the other person 's understanding would be higher priorities .
24 We also found no effect on reported morbidity , though there was a suggestion that the prevalence of vomiting and refusal of food or breastmilk , both of which tend to be associated with severe episodes of illness , were lower in the supplemented children .
25 This needs courage and conviction , both of which have to be fought for and acquired , step by step , without looking back .
26 There is a range of views and practices , most of which tend to be responsive .
27 Now on to Bradford on Avon , the ancient wool town , and up the steep hills lined with stone houses , most of which seem to be antique shops .
28 Close to 400 years of peace have left Switzerland with an enormous wealth of beautiful old buildings , most of which seem to be in the capital , Berne .
29 By the end of the chapter the reader is smothered with linguistic information , most of which seems to be there merely as evidence for the poem 's tone , be it " proverbial " or one of " intimacy " .
30 For example , it takes at least three times the energy to convert iron ore ( most of which has to be imported nowadays ) into steel than to convert ferrous scrap into equally good steel .
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