Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [pron] [vb mod] be [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I would be apportioned my six — half of which would be business — Joyce would set about her one hundred and sixty-six .
2 After all , some of them might be football supporters .
3 Erm it may be some will be not so easy need a bit more work and some of them 'll be sort of in the middle .
4 ‘ But some of them must be business contacts , surely ? ’ she said helplessly .
5 Dave has spent some 20 years researching this fascinating subject and of the 1,000 or so entries there is a wealth of detail — much of which will be brand new to the reader and possibly just down the road !
6 All of them would be colour versions .
7 The elements which bring language to life in a classroom are gestures , handling and touching things , incidents , pictures , some or all of which may be part of a game or a contest .
8 The book contains six different types of collar , all of which can be work separately , on top of a basic round neck jumper .
9 It is also questionable whether it is wise to kill adult males indiscrimately , many of which could be harem masters .
10 How , for example , does one allow access to such material by genealogists , many of whom will be computer illiterate , unfamiliar with research strategies and only interested in tiny potions of vast data sets ?
11 While some landforms may have been so produced , it is possible that many of them may be relict forms subject to little later modification .
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