Example sentences of "[det] [adj] can be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is little that can be done at this stage .
2 There 's little that can be done about the former ( it 's a consequence of Improv 's structure ) but the latter will be addressed in a future release .
3 In terms of a written flight plan there is little that can be done about wind , headings and estimates .
4 There is little that can be done down the sides of the door , beyond checking that the weatherstrip provided ( usually a rubber flap or brush strip ) is in order .
5 However , he added that pancreatic cancer is one of the most fatal forms and often there is little that can be offered to patients .
6 There is little that can be added to this chapter .
7 If , however , continuous variation is required , this preset can be omitted from the board and three wires taken from the relevant board points up to a conventional 1k rotary potentiometer mounted on a front panel , along with any metering .
8 This last can be prevented by modern orthopaedic treatment , but , unfortunately , many patients are still referred to a suitable orthopaedic clinic too late .
9 Fortunately , there is much that can be done at home to reduce the level of chemical exposure — for the majority of patients , these simple measures will be enough to alleviate the symptoms considerably .
10 There is much that can be said about the advantages of such a strategy , which is flexible and which can penetrate secular buildings with the salt of the gospel touching the lives of many who otherwise have no contact with the church .
11 He believes much more can be done with more resources and that the industry needs Springboards in other conurbations such as Birmingham , Manchester , Glasgow and Bristol , Avon , if people are to attach a lot more importance to it .
12 Why visit the gardens or the pagodas of Suzhou , when much more can be gained by attempting to buy a 1950s style mannequin .
13 The relationships between these three can be expressed as The return on capital employed , which is the long-term measure of the financial health of the company , is affected by both the other ratios .
14 Thus , they argue , decisions about the development of these latter can be based upon little more than uninformed hunches .
15 Form thus becomes a condition of non-form and , however stable it may seem , all that can be observed in our universe is the existential process of change from one state to another .
16 All that can be achieved without necessarily retaining the existing office of the Secretary of State for Scotland .
17 How and why they form is still not known ; all that can be said with certainty is that winds begin to twirl anti-clockwise around a fixed point of steadily diminishing atmospheric pressure , and this circulating system then begins to move , invariably in a westerly direction , its internal pressure steadily falling and the gales inside it picking up speed as it does so .
18 All that can be said for certain is that I respond to all of it — vixen , trees , plants , birds , the lot — but it does not respond to me . ’
19 All that can be said of the experiment at CERN is what the physicists there did say .
20 All that can be said from this direction is that they are not getting any easier .
21 In 1922 , Collins promised on behalf of the Labour Party that ‘ all that can be done under the Maternity and Child Welfare Acts in the way of helping necessitous , and expectant and nursing mothers , and caring for young children would have our support ’ ( Election leaflet 1922 ) .
22 Surely one does not spend one 's life as a biblical scholar reinterpreting the tradition because that is all that can be done in view of the fact that , like it or not , we live within this trajectory ?
23 But I think that the greatest tribute of all that can be paid to Peggy , and I feel sure it would come from her members and it 's this , and it 's basically what the trade union movement is all about and it 's about representing ordinary people at the shop floor because whenever anybody asks Peggy to do anything for them , to represent them , she 's always the first one there .
24 This is almost all that can be gleaned from broadly contemporary written sources about the Danish monarchy between c.950 and the accession c.987 of Swegen Forkbeard , who conquered England in 1013 , and whose son Cnut ruled it for nineteen years .
25 The happy medium mean between the extremes of hot and cold furnishes to the chaste and sober eye all that can be wished for . ’
26 All that can be surmised of the apparently endless demand for Cooper 's paintings beyond an obvious urban desire for a monolithic , idyllically produced rural peace , is that his reception gives evidence of a constant market , particularly an urban market , for well produced animal painting .
27 As to which is the more stringent obligation in a situation in which more than one applies , that is for intuitive assessment in the light of all that can be known about the particular circumstances of the case .
28 Many couples find a good way to avoid impulsive spending is to agree on a limit of , say £5 or £10 as all that can be spent without consulting the other partner .
29 All this can be arranged for cash no questions .
30 All this can be done at minimal cost .
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