Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun sg] and it [is] " in BNC.

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1 But we know very little about the animals which bore these scales and although a few articulated remains have been known for several years , they show very little anatomical detail and it is not easy to identify immediate relatives .
2 We 're doing it for this little orphanage and it 's all terrible exciting .
3 This , this present government and it 's predecessor has attacked the social security ee system ferociously already !
4 Bray has always been proud of its association with Dargan and the weekend seminar which has been organised by the Council is an attempt to honour this great man and it is hoped that it will become an annual event .
5 This takes me into another key word and it is education .
6 The proposed 13th Company Directive on takeovers is aimed at providing minimum ground rules to establish this regulatory environment and it is discussed below at pages 91 — 100 .
7 Whilst a patent will be refused for a computer program simpliciter ( or any of the other exceptions in section 1(2) for that matter ) it will be allowed if the purpose of the program is to bring about some practical effect and it is that effect which is the subject matter of the patent application .
8 The younger O'Sullivans liked to tell this macabre tale and it is very possible that Poe , too , may have heard it .
9 they 've got a girl that works there right and her name her name is Linda and they run this big machine and it 's really long and he said if she 's at the top machine he ca n't see down the other end of the machine cos her boobs are in the way and he 's got I said you do n't ask her can sh he said yeah well he said I 've got ta ask her can she move out the way , he said if she sits on the table her boobs are resting on the table , I said oh I 'd crack up .
10 Stepping has always been a feature of this particular village and it is still practised to a certain extent today .
11 In conclusion , the law is very uncertain in this whole area and it is unlikely that an action against a third party tippee for insider dealing will be brought or succeed .
12 Governmental statistics should be basic data for much social research and it is fortunate that the Governmental Statistical Service publishes a free annual booklet called ‘ Government Statistics : a Brief Guide to Sources ’ , which is available from the Central Statistical Office , Great George Street , London SWlP 3AQ .
13 well then if I go onto a medium , then you 're getting all this length and all this business here , all that business and it 's too much , if I could of found a four I 'd certainly tried it on for swimming you know , but I do n't want it all baggy and horrible you know
14 I 've caused all this mess and it 's ridiculous you and Leila should involve yourselves .
15 Now we have to do more fine dusting and it 's a lot more technical than it was all those years ago .
16 Where the monument is , you turn right and you go up that small road and it 's on the right hand side ?
17 The government 's own team have recognised that morale in teaching is low and that the position this year is significantly worse than last , yet the government have for this year ignored the findings of that particular report and it 's all tied up with the whole issue of pay , workload etc ..
18 Every city had its own individual story and it is the astonishing variety which makes the story of the urban renaissance of these centuries so fascinating .
19 Pain and suffering are not measurable by any absolute standard and it is not easy , if indeed possible other than in the most general way , to compare the degree of pain and suffering experienced by different people .
20 ‘ We go self-catering in our own little chalet and it 's our house for the week .
21 It would be quite impracticable to carry waste rock any great distance and it is quite certain that ore being produced at Coniston , was machine and hand dressed to as great a concentration as possible , before filling into strong saddle bags for the 20 mile pack-horse journey , over the mountain tops , to the Brigham smelters .
22 After 25 years of hard use , JA 11 still has little or no creaking nor scuttle shaking on any reasonable surface and it is both light and delightfully precise .
23 The main drawback of the compose screen is that only two staves are displayed at any one time and it is not possible to smoothly scroll across the page which is divided into set sections .
24 The datafile is able to deal with up to four hundred records at any one time and it is at this stage that the school librarian has to decide on the number of data disks which will be needed .
25 The first fifty or so milliseconds of these waves are the most consistent for any particular stimulus and it is thought that they are almost entirely generated by the incoming stimulus , irrespective of any mental activity on the part of the subject .
26 Each user does things in their own particular way and it is because of this flexibility that the spreadsheet program has achieved such widespread success .
27 I mean it 's about sort of you know in it 's about increasing the erm where we are within our own particular sphere and it 's far too much I mean people it 's interesting that I mean for the , it seems to me an and once again correction but it seems to me the last five years the empowerment thing was really strong and now managers are moving away from it and saying it 's jargon as a means of diluting it .
28 This is a cheap and cheerful set-up — you do n't get any fancy documentation and it 's really aimed at the experienced PC buyer .
29 ‘ It 's not likely that many will ever be acquired in this , or any other country and it 's unlikely that the catfish would ever be very popular with fishkeepers . ’
30 The leader still has the same weaknesses and strengths as any other man and it is as well to study and know them .
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