Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [det] " in BNC.

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1 A teacher needs a kid needs to have a teacher comment about its progress in some specific area of literacy such as a syntax
2 This can be done with one frame or strip of film , or the stages can involve successive strips and rephotographing , although with some possible loss of quality each time .
3 At this early stage of development these new continental margins are termed nascent passive margins ( Fig. 4.15(B) ) .
4 I mean , do to have this astonishing capacity of switch all the time .
5 Another prime candidate for nostalgia this Christmas is Otis Redding .
6 WE are looking for some one-cap wonders of soccer this week with a query that wins £25 for Mr F. Stillwell of Basingstoke .
7 Three of the departments commented that when undertaking this general type of trawl some topics appeared sufficiently interesting to require more detailed information .
8 The large crowds present had a real feast of steam including some twelve trains per day each way and numerous engine movements at Bridgnorth as locos took their turns to take a train out or return with one from Kidderminster .
9 Today , oversees the delivery of some 80,000 tonnes of barley each year .
10 Big barbel though , have a distinct preference for swims that combine three factors : a fairly slack piece of water adjacent to a fast run , and especially where these two preside over a dense weedbed or some other kind of refuge such as a hole , steep ledge or sunken tree .
11 That is , it is sometimes found that when there is a part of a person 's life which is difficult or impossible to control , he or she will channel the need to exercise control onto some other aspect of behaviour such as food intake .
12 If people choose to hold money , they are thereby choosing not to spend it on goods and services or on acquiring some other form of asset such as stocks and shares or property .
13 From the two and a half million prints on file those of Mathew Bryce appeared on the screen .
14 When you are tired out and upset with yourself for not having taken that extra piece of lift some miles back , there can be a tendency to become apathetic and not even try to prevent an accident .
15 Because we should be able to get our planned allowance and our do so many cubic metres of concrete this was the allowance for it .
16 " What I want to know is why there 's all this talk of marriage all of a sudden ? "
17 There may be , as Paul Hirst claims , different tests for truth in the various forms of knowledge , but at least those different corpuses of knowledge all make a contribution to the total sum of knowledge .
18 Over a period of twenty years it is claimed that a fast reactor could breed enough additional plutonium to fuel another similar power station .
19 He seemed to get over it , but he behaved in the same alarming manner in court this morning .
20 The general issue area of third world military expenditure has a number of important repercussions in several general fields of study such as development , security or international political economy .
21 But when it 's down mostly to wiggling around a stage in clattering heels there is no time for deep analysis of the psyche of folk who engage in such events and despite a doughty effort , director Ian Kellgren simply does not have enough suitable material to mesh this into any shape worthy of the tag theatre .
22 We hope that two initiatives by government this year , will help to change that .
23 Rather , in most ordinary kinds of talk these principles are oriented to , such that when talk does not proceed according to their specifications , hearers assume that , contrary to appearances , the principles are nevertheless being adhered to at some deeper level .
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