Example sentences of "[det] [adj] [noun] [verb] it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And what makes me mad is this flippant desire to dismiss it as dead . ’
2 This lesser development made it less strong , and — it is argued — accounts for industry 's earlier collapse beginning in the 1960s .
3 There is even talk of making big city departments tender for work ( a few tiny ones do it already ) against bids from commercial competitors .
4 This standard feature makes it very difficult for a car thief to steal a Clio and falsify its identity .
5 The third element that made Easy Rider the runaway , roaraway success that it became in the counter-culture movement was Jack Nicholson , angry and surely envious — though he denied it — at seeing some of his flash contemporaries and some younger actors making it very big indeed in the legitimacy of more sumptuous surroundings of Warners , Paramount , MGM and the rest .
6 For example , Vesta , the fourth-largest asteroid , reflects light in a unique way : some 50 meteorites match it closely .
7 This successful experience makes it more likely that you will use public reprimands again in similar circumstances in the future and , naturally , you conclude that public reprimands work !
8 This final requirement makes it far re difficult to keep the list up to date but experience shown that a personalised approach is much more successful than a plain " to the industrial correspondent " .
9 She positively reinforced this new behaviour making it more likely to be repeated to the point where it became a problem .
10 Indeed , the casual indifference of this earlier document makes it quite clear what the English were after ; France , as the later memorandum said , must not make Scotland a ‘ footstool ’ to look over England , and whether that be resolved , as the memorial of the 8th put it , by Mary 's heir Châtelherault or by her bastard half-brother lord James , should he have designs on the crown , really did not matter .
11 Each additional child makes it more likely that a couple who are not already local authority tenants will become so .
12 She says such conflicting reports make it even harder to cope .
13 The reason we know that God recognises this dimension in the human personality is that he goes to such great lengths to make it very clear that he loves us , and one of his primary commands to us is that we must love one another .
14 No , that 's what I mean there have been three big ones very recently , cos like syndicate won it and the old lady won it and that other woman , that younger woman won it right what I 've done , all bits together what time do you think we 'll be back ?
15 Our everyday awareness of these value-laden distinctions makes it all the more necessary to stress that in social anthropology ( and sociology ) ‘ culture ’ is a neutral term .
16 Right and it goes like these great funnels spread it Now as it goes down it gets caught down .
17 We are suggesting here that normalisation , over and above these many attempts to define it coherently and carefully , is open to different interpretations in practice .
18 But his high profile , the constituency 's diverse make up and the closeness of all three parties make it hard to call .
19 And by the way , if you think that all homeless people have it as easy as I had it , then you are living in dream world .
20 I mean , I did try and and make a male and female split all the way round , on the basis that all team male and all female team done it earlier .
21 Discussion is only of interest to those participating in it , and many young children find it extremely difficult to articulate their ideas verbally — especially before they 've actually done what you 're talking about .
22 One of the great difficulties is that many young people find it extremely difficult to admit that they have a problem .
23 But those eight survivors saw it differently — and lived to show that it can be conquered — with the right blend of indestructibility between man and machine .
24 One could either argue that the lack of action required by the subject at the time prevented any memories from being encoded , or that the lack of aspects of the situation which were specific to that particular drive made it extremely difficult to actually retrieve a memory for it .
25 Same old story getting it underneath cos they 're going higher up and underneath
26 It is clear enough , though large and dim ; any higher magnification shows it well , though even with × 20 I am not at all sure that I can begin to resolve it into stars .
27 Mm well I ca n't think of any other way to draw it though .
28 Most young swimmers find it terribly hard to do all the training that is required and also live a normal life .
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