Example sentences of "[det] [verb] [conj] they [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And the anti-racists allow this to continue because they see the fight against racism as the central struggle . ’
2 This says that they satisfy a superposition principle .
3 This requires that they get a Manchester userid , which can be obtained via a Manchester representatives at the computing centre at their institution .
4 If the answer is ‘ yes ’ , does this mean that they pray every day , that they attend a place of worship , that their morals and/or their life is ruled according to religious precepts — does the respondent think about God all the time , or does he behave in a ‘ godly ’ fashion ? .
5 This means that they require no further sealing and little actual maintenance .
6 This means that they saw the death of Jesus as part of God 's plan .
7 Individual traders can no longer be certain of the value of the exchange rate in the near future : this means that they face the risk that it will change in the time.between entering into a contract and the settling of the final account , involving one of the parties to the trade in a loss .
8 On this floor was located a braked sheave wheel and loaded mine trams were controlled by this means as they descended the Middle Level Incline ( still a conspicuous feature at Paddy End ) to the reception floor below .
9 Officers who found the youngsters ' bodies were horrified by the scene and some wept as they left the flat in Tottenham , North London .
10 Consequently , Raymond spends his days trying to understand psychotic murderers ( ‘ they 're all bores because they see the rest of the world as flat , and extension of themselves ’ ) , serial killers ( ‘ invariably gifted men ’ ) and the police , for whom he has a particular sympathy .
11 So as the roof was all secure before they blasted the centre out .
12 Switching parts around , old push-rods and rockers and changing the studs to fit , we all cheered as they pulled the propeller through .
13 Many said that they welcomed the opportunity to work , and were not able to do so during the week because there was no one look after their children .
14 We all acknoweldge that they provide an important service , especially for the elderly and those less able to get to the larger stores during the week . ’
15 Partnerships , small scale as well as large , need a clear sense of purpose made explicit in objectives , they need a strategic plan for achieving these objectives which is communicated to and understood by those involved and they need a review and evaluation process built into the whole to determine what is being achieved .
16 If any wonder whether they made the right decision to come home and marry a British man , Dolly Howard who danced round the world had the wittiest appreciation of the difference between the continental men and the boys back home :
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