Example sentences of "[det] [noun] if you have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yes , just for a few questions if you 've gathered your thoughts together .
2 Of course there is no advantage in this method if you have to look up the hooks .
3 More probably sixty or seventy in this area if you 've got a good house .
4 That 's why it used to say please ignore this letter if you 've paid in the last few days .
5 ‘ Maybe some Bovril if you 've got the money .
6 Hopefully you will never be in this situation if you have made a realistic appraisal of your incomings and outgoings and taken measures to raise the former and reduce the latter .
7 I 'd probably have had to compensate that bloke if you 'd broken it , and professional photographic equipment costs a devil of a lot , you know . ’
8 The local man replied " There would have been as much enthusiasm if you had done the same tonight . "
9 So if you cut your toenails do n't leave them lying around on the floor , do n't make too much noise if you have to use the slop bucket at night and if you 're a shit-stabber then I 'll tell you now , my arsehole is n't for rent .
10 More often than not you get a refund cos of course you have personal allowances for a whole year but you 've not er not er lived a whole year as often as not and therefore there usually spaced over the twelve months and you 've paid a bit too much tax if you 've died in the course of the twelve months .
11 But by all means if you 've got something bring it along and that would give us a starter for five I 'm keen to see us also trying to once we 've got this going going down the S P Q road ah had lunch with the other day at I mean it was I mean she was n't meeting him necessarily wearing a B A I E hat of not um and I think she I think she touched on that though while while while they were lunching. erm I put down progress because I was thinking of the Pilgrims Progress at the time
12 Yeah i I would advise you to contact the er notify the superannuation section yes of any re-employment if you 've taken premature retirement .
13 The default size of the blank grid is 24 stitches by 40 rows and its proportions are determined either by the default tension or your own tension if you have entered one .
14 UNTIL now , you might not have recognised your own home if you had read its description in an estate agent 's particulars .
15 You 'd you 'd do better to use your own colours if you 've got .
16 You should be aware of your own weaknesses if you have done a thorough selfassessment but the information is for your own eyes only .
17 You 'd be stupid to go across the stepping stones if you did n't have the power to jump from one to the other , pretty big , but the , so are the distances between them and at that time of the year the river was pretty high too and r rather boisterous , so it would n't be very pleasant if you had fallen in , but you 've got to have that but you 've also got to have stamina as you said , but it would n't have been any fun if you 'd got halfway across and your stamina had run out , then fire brigade called out , the fire brigade or something .
18 The only thing I dislike it for , you can never find the same stall if you 've got to take anything back .
19 Marks & Spencer and Waitrose both have champagnes which you could usefully treat in the same way if you have to cool dark hole to bung them in .
20 Alice thought it would be easier to phone someone like that than her own mother if you had done what she had done , but she could be wrong there .
21 Er okay so I think that er covers mortgages , but if you 've got any house if you 've got any house improvement loans which were taken out anything like credit card debts anything where you 're paying er a high rate of interest , then I think you should get rid of those every time .
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