Example sentences of "[det] [noun] of [noun sg] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 As it came away from the cold flesh , so she cut it into strips , and she wrapped each strip of skin around a piece of bone .
2 Brush each strip of pastry with a little melted butter and then sandwich together in threes .
3 Her room was so grubby too , with nothing but a bed in it and that bidet and that bit of rag for a curtain over the small old propped-up suitcase and some clothes .
4 It became possible to determine the correct numbers of each kind of atom in a molecule by means of the already available Avogadro 's Law of 1811 , which a patriotic Italian chemist drew to the attention of an international symposium on the question in 1860 , the year of Italian unity .
5 In fact , I would n't be surprised if there were a clause in your contract forbidding that kind of journey on a performance day .
6 It was because the people were used to that kind of society with a secret police and er government inspectors and sending people out to Siberia and putting
7 Twelve year olds were doing that kind of task on a computer .
8 If she really was trying to convince anyone , it was probably her father , Rory realised , but she was n't about to hand Adam that kind of ammunition on a plate .
9 And that kind of thing on a perhaps a little larger scale , could work here I think .
10 You did n't mention that kind of thing to a detective investigating the death of a fellow club-member 's wife .
11 You know he does n't like that kind of thing before a performance . ’
12 It is difficult trying to imagine England according that kind of status to a writer .
13 We did n't manage that level of display against a big and strong Canadian team at Wembley .
14 It is a schematic diagram of the manufacturing process at that level of detail for a simple capacitor .
15 It is a schematic diagram of the manufacturing process at that level of detail for a simple capacitor .
16 Divide into four and make each piece of dough into a circle approx 25cm/10in in diameter .
17 Thus , the dairymen who farmed the lush meadows of the Dove Valley geared their husbandry to a different system from that followed by the sheep-and-corn farmers on the Lincolnshire Wolds , and the range of opportunities for earning a living and for gaining some measure of independence from a lord or squire was much greater for a cottager living on the edge of a moor , forest or marsh than the scope available to his counterpart in one of the nucleated , corn-growing villages of the Midland Plain .
18 This practice continuously compares budgeted amounts with actuals and as such is providing some measure of performance against a predetermined standard .
19 At least there would have been some measure of impersonality about a restaurant , whereas here , trapped in the confines of her small office with Luke so close , there was a definite air of intimacy .
20 Harmonic schemes on a larger scale , spanning large movements or in successions of movements , also require planning , for some change of key over a large area is needed to create contrast and relief .
21 It really was rather tedious , she thought , having this kind of discussion at a social gathering .
22 It is hard to imagine another institution of comparable size achieving this kind of ethos as a result of a single administrative decision , however consensual its support .
23 A spokesman said : ‘ We see no point in dignifying this kind of speculation with a comment . ’
24 Holiday parks in which you can camp , or stay in a chalet or caravan are now remarkably good — so much so that if you have n't tried this kind of holiday for a few years you could be in for a very pleasant surprise .
25 It is fine to stay at this kind of level for a while .
26 In the context of a thorough-going twentieth-century challenge to religious belief , it is easy to see how this kind of retreat to a self-contained theism becomes attractive .
27 However , this is something to watch for because , unless sorted , this kind of problem on a guitar only gets worse .
28 Investigators have tackled this kind of problem in a number of ways .
29 This kind of desire for a natural — and ‘ reasonable ’ — religion developed strongly in deism , and led to the same kind of conflict with orthodoxy as with the Bible and miracles .
30 This kind of multiplication of a brief cell is common to many melodies , for variety , added interest , or to give a moment of decline ( as above ) .
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