Example sentences of "[det] [noun] with [pron] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm going to conclude this chapter with what I know will be offensive to some referees and judges ; yet it is not only my opinion .
2 What d' ya think if someone says they want a few words with you what d' ya think 's going to happen ?
3 A few heads with whom we came into contact seemed alarmingly out of touch with recent developments in primary education .
4 Mrs Stych could many times have wept with humiliation when Donna hastened to tell her of yet another minor car accident in which his ancient jalopy had been involved , yet another girl with whom he had once been seen who was ‘ in trouble ’ .
5 ‘ After a few days with me he starts to calm down and see things in perspective again , ’ she reveals .
6 That you know that is actually something personally , I mean you know if you take it back to the conversation we had this morning with what we do what what the eleventh year are ending up with
7 But , under threat , my Creator has agreed to make me this Eve with whom you interfere , uncovering her nakedness .
8 It will probably be very untidy ( and you may need that ability to cope with unfamiliar attitudes ) but you should not be concerned at this stage with what it looks like , only what it does .
9 Critics of Darwin who quote that passage with which I started do not usually run it on .
10 If we feel that someone has a high opinion of us we tend to want to live up to it , but few of us bother to make much effort with anyone we know who gives us a low rating , and this is very much the case between mothers-in-law and sons-in-law .
11 You should n't spend so much time with her you know .
12 As she got to her feet he looked underneath her , remembering the equipment cows had , and saw that she had a semblance of the same thing , although nothing like so dangly as a cow 's , but quite satisfactorily dripping at that moment with what he supposed was milk .
13 One of the reasons I think why abuse is very easily erm got away with by people is that um they 're able to bring into play a lot of these a lot of these discourses with which we talk to children to make them behave , to make them er compliant .
14 In drama a number of people agree to abstract from what they know of the ‘ hiding ’ function and to combine that knowledge with what they have understood about a particular ‘ hiding ’ context , say , King Charles and his followers hiding from the Roundheads ( hiders are therefore labelled Cavaliers , and the seekers Roundheads ) and to behave ‘ as if ’ only that function mattered .
15 Many witches with whom I have discussed Christianity have a real sense of humour and pleasant personalities .
16 If at all possible interview all models with whom you have not previously worked .
17 In the book I have attempted to give a practical interpretation of the soft systems approach , an interpretation that has been found to be of value in many studies with which I have been associated .
18 They talked sex , the way he talked about it to many people with whom he grew close in a working relationship .
19 This was a story he told all his life ; it was just the first of many miracles with which he believed he was blessed .
20 As ever , Omi was in , sitting patiently at the table , writing one of the many letters with which she kept the tattered network of Brombergs and Ritters precariously bound together .
21 Those incomers with whom I discussed class agreed that awareness of class is a typically British trait .
22 Er in the meantime we we leave them erm er a list or a a sheet like or something similar to this , I have n't got one for at the moment , erm asking them to list out all those business with which they have some er may be some link up .
23 To a great majority of those persons with whom they come in contact it is the only opportunity afforded of learning what Oxford means and what is meant by the powers of an Oxford education .
24 He develops at length the way in which the pursuit of wealth can numb spiritual realities but combines this with the injunction to exercise personal stewardship over those resources with which we have been entrusted .
25 The majority of these will get over this , although remaining a risk to those people with whom they come into contact .
26 Is it the case that he merely dismisses those submissions with which he does not agree and proceeds in an autocratic fashion ?
27 The Countess of Donnington upheld only those laws with which she agreed , and the rationing of footwear and clothing and the issuing of clothing coupons were not among them .
28 Their data showed that the larger the coalition , the greater was the fitness of each male within it despite the fact that he had more companions with whom he had to share paternity .
29 Coun. Michael Carr , leader of the borough council , said : ‘ We have entered the second round of City Challenge with the same enthusiasm with which we approached the first , and I hope we enjoy the same success .
30 It was vaguely insulting to know that he treated her as casually as he would have treated any stranger with whom he found himself forced to share a house .
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