Example sentences of "[det] [noun] he [verb] [pron] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Each Tuesday he meets his unelected Cabinet , the Executive Council , and they approve — ‘ rubber stamp ’ is how critics describe it — legislation passed on by the Civil Service .
2 ‘ I do n't care about the baby , ’ Philip said , and with those few words he doomed his unborn son .
3 So it is a slow pitch , there 's very little pace in it for him , but it never puts him off , he still comes hurling in and er he 'll , he 'll flat out on anything , that it , we were saying some days he gets it right and others he does n't .
4 So now I 'm trying to tell it to this pad he bought me this morning .
5 This year he hopes his latest designs will take his charity total to £45,000 .
6 That morning Dad told his favourite story again , the story of his drive along the coast with Kay , only this time he took it one stage further , down from the cliffs and into the house .
7 STAN FLASHMAN went crazy again yesterday — but this time he attacked his own Barnet players , branding them ‘ greedy bastards ’ .
8 He was born in Capel Curig in 1906 , and in that village he spent his whole life .
9 Now and then he was addressed in Anglic , either by the Khan or by one of his neighbours at the table , and in such cases he did his best to answer politely .
10 Like many such people he spent his tender years caddying .
11 At the end of such evenings he found his own bed alone , walking through blackened courts where once Saracen climbers had run with fire among the poisoned and the dying .
12 The jokes and the conversations end abruptly with ‘ But this is worshipful society ’ and at that point he shows his real toughness and ambition .
13 That day he found it prudent to acquire the services of one Frederick James Ratcliff , a solicitor of Blagrave Street .
14 Anyway , the mosque was one of the many subjects he felt it safest to avoid until he had plucked up the courage to go into one .
15 For many years he ran his own scaffolding company but the recession forced him out of business .
16 And without more ado he booked his one-way ticket .
17 Emil explained to me that on this trip the linen , cutlery and glasses had been provided by the caterers , and without more ado he showed me first , where to find everything and second , how to set a table .
18 He would say nothing more a– he led her this way and that through the streets , doubling back often , like a fox laying a foil .
19 In the quiet of his own skull he called it manly , but he would never have used such a word to her , not only because she was privately decorous but also because the way she talked about her children made him sense that she dreaded being thought lesbian .
20 In the same year he made his first parachute jump from an airship .
21 On 27 September of the same year he published his first book , Galfredus Petrus , Opus sane de deorum dearumque gentilium genealogia ( STC 19816.5 ) , from his new premises near the conduit in Fleet Street , where his printing-house remained for the rest of his life .
22 At the same time he thought it desirable to submit to them a brief record of his work ( Journal of the Institution of Electrical Engineers , 1899 , pp. 3–11 ) , in view of what were in his opinion the less than adequate references to it in the 1899 James Forrest lecture on ‘ Magnetism ’ by J. A. Ewing [ q.v. ] , in the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers ( vol. cxxxviii , pp. 289–311 ) .
23 He does note , in the letter to Zasulich , Morgan 's hope for a future society , which would abandon the obsession with private property , but at the same time he makes it clear that he rightly does not consider Morgan a socialist or a revolutionary .
24 At the same time he found it interesting that prison had made the former district governor more passionate about the cause championed by Akhenaten .
25 His first marriage , in 1927 , to the operetta singer , Carlotta Vanconti , was unsuccessful and led to protracted divorce proceedings , which were not finalized until 1936 ; in that year he married his second wife , the English stage and film actress , Diana Napier , and settled in England .
26 That way he got it all .
27 To her disappointment Nahum only seemed to visit the old and sick , and after the first few days he no longer took her with him , having suffered embarrassment each time he introduced his new wife whose youth could n't be disguised .
28 Each time he nodded his fat grey head , the twin curved horns arched menacingly towards me like scimitars .
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