Example sentences of "[det] [noun] have been [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Evidence was also given that Ward had been suffering from a personality disorder and was highly suggestible at the time of her arrest and trial .
2 She calmly told me that the police had called round and that Nassim had been looking for me .
3 We can plausibly infer that crime has been increasing in the last two to three decades , presenting a problem for explanation and policy .
4 The effect of relatively few firearms had been devastating against a warrior race with no previous experience of them .
5 Some groups have been buying into the new sites — as House of Fraser , which owns Harrods , has done at Meadowhall in Sheffield — but such an expensive strategy requires cool nerves in the present recession .
6 Within the major firms this stock has been rising in some cases at over 20% per annum , and has proved to be a very good investment in spite of not being on the market .
7 Perhaps in an effort to justify this simplification , some instructors have been warning against the use of the rudder to stop the yaw if a wing drops at the stall .
8 I 've got a bit of a conflict of interest here straightaway because the actual case that Roy is talking about is actually my brother and I at this moment have been complaining to the Lloyds Policy Unit in respect of erm this particular policy , because the company that was actually trading went into liquidation .
9 In rural areas , as in urban areas , some alternatives have been developing to the three main tenure groups .
10 Roger Kelly , who coordinates its work explains : ‘ For 15 years this place has been going through a slow , organic evolution .
11 The first is that some cricketers have been cheating for years in a most blatant manner .
12 This microlight had been flying with the right wingtip set to maximum incidence , but with the left at one setting of reduced incidence from neutral .
13 You see , I refrain from outlining just what this gentleman has been saying to me — about you all .
14 Well some people have been talking about five to seven years , I 've been saying all the way through that we 're very flexible on this , and clearly if erm a bidder whether it 's a management buy out with other people in the bid , others in the consortium , or an outright bid from a private sector consortium er if if they get the franchise and make clear that that 's on the basis that they 're going to put a lot of money into the capital investment , then clearly they will want a longer period and we have made that clear .
15 This woman 's been coming from Holland every year for the last fourteen years
16 In the UK , this ideal has been eroding for some time and seems unlikely to survive the escalating costs of current treatments .
17 It is hoped to achieve the 15% reduction in staffing by the employment of temporary staff as vacancies occur and this policy has been operating since 1 April 1992 .
18 Erm what this is really about , I think we all recognise this is the erm purchaser aim to increase their leverage in the contract situation as against the providers on the other side of contract and in fact , I think we ought to tie this very much more in with what this authority has been saying about the proposals of the trust on the provider side because I think that this is an argument against the whole district N H S trusts that we 're getting , but it is encouraging the situation in which health authorities have purchasers on the other side of the contract are going to want to band together and merge to create a larger block in which to negotiate with their whole trust providers , I think this is a a very dangerous situation and think we needed to tie the two together as an argument there .
19 Despite the fact that very few reservoirs have been functioning for more than 10 years , cases have been described in which dysplasia and carcinoma have been seen in colitic pouches and adenomas in FAP pouches .
20 Another man has been existing in a tiny cell in Georgia for 20 years — waiting to die .
21 I suppose I 've seen Matthew with the safe open , and I may have noticed the books , but this firm has been going for more than a century and one does n't take much notice of such things , one has grown up with them . ’
22 This fellow 's been wrangling with Zacco .
23 This thing has been smouldering for years and now it 's finally broken through .
24 Lesley saw it more as a letting-off of repressed energy : ‘ I think this thing has been smouldering for years and now it 's finally broken through .
25 The Yalta Repatriation agreement was the culmination of months of negotiation between the governments involved , and as the documents summarised at the end of this volume indicate [ see KPs 1–16 ] , consideration of British policy on this matter had been continuing on the highest level since the summer of 1944 .
26 Some boys had been jumping on the backs of trams , when the conductor 's attention was distracted , giving the emergency bell signal , stealing cash boxes and jumping off .
27 How is it that , when this country has been going through a recession , which has been shared by countries throughout the world — not least the United States — our unemployment figures are lower than those of many other countries ?
28 Now , so far er , the acquisitions that have come onto the market have n't really reflected er , the trading conditions in which all companies in this country have been operating for the last eighteen months .
29 This system has been evolving for centuries , first for bourgeoisies all over the world , then spreading to the working classes in the First World , and slowly but surely penetrating to all those with disposable income everywhere .
30 ‘ There is no magic solution to this issue and employees who smoke will need to harness their own willpower , but the ban could be the kind of incentive that some smokers have been waiting for to help them reduce or stop smoking and improve their general health . ’
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