Example sentences of "[det] [noun] in [noun] as [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I agree with my honourable friend er one of the er satisfactory features of the C B I er survey last week , one of the many , was that eighty four percent of firms er in the U K intend to increase or maintain their spending on training and of course she 's absolutely right , they will be the firms that will benefit most from that investment in training as we continue through recovery into growth in the longer term .
2 Fred Sharpe is beginning to regret the decision to buy this ingredient in advance as it will deteriorate in store and may become dangerous before the end of the budget period .
3 But that particular day she did n't know beforehand , this was planned a few weeks in advance as you can imagine .
4 The dealer would try to persuade the new client to reinvest not just the £500 he got from selling his Rolls Royce shares , for instance , but as much money in addition as he could be persuaded to part with , regardless of how far this was in his interest .
5 Yeah yeah certainly , erm I think that 's er that 's good , well if , if you can , if you can access it er in some way informally or , or , you know , it 's probably un unlikely that you 'd get too much stuff in writing as you say but , you know , er it could be very er productive and interesting erm tt erm can that sort of thing , particularly if you can get it in terms of quotes from people , you can sort of , you know , make a project look quite nice because it looks like if you do all this , you know , sort of stuff with the attitude scales it , it 's er it gives you lots of nice numerical data but er
6 To each his fun in his own way , of course , but I much prefer to use my ferrets to the full , clearing each burrow in turn as I come to it .
7 It is built up as a result of encountering these words in print as one is learning to read , though of course new word forms will be added throughout adult life as they are encountered .
8 A viewing of the end result is not strictly necessary if the main point of the exercise was to have students perform a task which required them to communicate with each other in English as they did it .
9 Holland is renowned as the cyclist-friendly country with specially designed cycle lanes and paths , beautiful flat countryside and mild climate which makes it no surprise that there are almost as many bicycles in Holland as there are people .
10 The particular data structure it is manipulating occupies about six times as many bytes in memory as its length as a string of text .
11 In 1860 Frith set up a photographic company in Reigate to record as many locations in Britain as he could .
12 Greenidge was happy to admit that playing alongside the South African was ‘ an education and an inspiration ’ , but he also conceded that while they both had many outstanding days individually they did not score as many runs in partnership as they might have done , since they were both attacking players and therefore risk-takers .
13 Even a president whose party controls both the House and the Senate is obliged to approach the legislature more or less cap in hand as he seeks approval for his programme .
14 To try to rejuvenate his fading presidency Reagan wanted to be seen on prime-time network television across America greeting each hostage in turn as they stepped safely back on to American soil .
15 Ivory continued to serve many of the same purposes in Christendom as it did in Classical antiquity .
16 He did not ant to see us make the same mistake in Iran as it might cost us much more if we did not move now " .
17 Mrs Clinton tells Vanity Fair , apparently without weighing the truth of the charges against Mr Bush : ‘ What Bill does n't understand is you 've got ta do the same thing in response as you do in negative advertising . ’
18 Somehow , neutering and population control just are n't the same issues in Barbados as they are in Great Britain .
19 The point is that Carter USM are in the same position in America as they were in Britain two years ago , constantly gigging and doing pithy radio plugs to make their mark .
20 ‘ I have the same involvement in soccer as I do in your case , ’ he concluded .
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